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Tentera Udara DiRaja Melayu

Ibupejabat pangkalan Udara di Kem Subang

Dapat aset Udara paling canggih Dari USA Dan Soviet

Hadiah Dari operasi Khas CINASIA 

Dapat gelaran HULUBALANG UDARA Dari Laksamana Beret Hitam 

Terbaru unit angkasawan TUDM masuk program NASA USA


Ini pasukan Hulubalang Udara

Handal di Udara Bak HELANG di langit

Dapat latihan Udara Dari USAF

Komando TUDM bergelar Paskau


Pasukan ini berberet biru


Tentera Udara DiRaja Melayu 

Diajar buat multi level formation

Berlatih buat serangan Malaikat MAUT serentak ke sasaran Udara

Ada pelancar misil Dari permukaan ke Udara

Ini aset Pertahanan Udara

Kita diminta lindung USA Dan Soviet 


Ini pasukan Hulubalang Udara 

Sheikh Muzaffar Syukur komander angkasawan TUDM

Beliau Dan keluarga ada di USA sekarang

Ada rancangan kapal angkasa Battlestar ke planet Marikh

Laksamana Beret Hitam beri bantuan Malaikat MAUT ke NASA

Dapat campuran uranium Dan kuprum tiada lagi radioaktif


Tentera Udara DiRaja Melayu 

Ini Pengawal ruang Udara Negara

Handal Bak HELANG di angkasaraya

Kita ada burung Lang Laut di Langkawi

Pelancong dapat saksikan Lang Laut sambar kulit ayam di permukaan Laut

Handal Lang Laut menyambar makanan


Ini pasukan Hulubalang Udara 

Kita sudah ada aircraft carrier bawa pesawat TUDM

30 unit pesawat atas kapal pengangkut

Dilindung 8 unit kapal selam Dari bawah Laut

Teknik serangan jarak jauh di Laut lepas

Ini pasukan di belakang kapal selam Serpent TLDM


Tentera Udara DiRaja Melayu 

Jet pejuang kita kebanggaan ATM

Selalu berlegar legar di Udara Bak HELANG di langit

TUDM ada pasukan burung Lang Laut

Ini program Tarzan bercakap dengan binatang dengan perantaraan Malaikat MAUT

Burung Lang Laut ada rutin terbang sepanjang pantai buat satu pusingan


Penulis lirik PUTERA JAWA  



Tentera Laut DiRaja Melayu

Ini pasukan Hulubalang Laut Imam Mohd

Imam Mohd dapat gelaran Hulubalang Laut Dari Malaikat MAUT

Ada aset Darat Laut Dan Udara dalam TLDM

Kapal selam Serpent pasukan TLDM paling depan

Serpent aset kita paling bahaya


Ini pasukan Hulubalang Laut 

Pangkalan utama ada di Lumut

Satu penghormatan kepada DYM Tuanku Sultan Perak

Laksamana Beret Hitam ada bilik pejabat sendiri di Kem Lumut

Ada juga apartment khusus di Kem Lumut

TLDM pasukan Laut paling depan dalam Tentera Islam


Tentera Laut DiRaja Melayu 

Komando TLDM bergelar PASKAL


Berberet maroon

Pasukan kapal selam Serpent semua PASKAL

Serpent kebanggaan dalam Tentera Laut kita


Ini pasukan Hulubalang Laut 

Warga navy selalu bergurau mengaku Popeye the sailor man

Memang dilatih merentas samudera

Dibantu pasukan Maritim tugas coast guard

PASKAL juga dilatih SEAL Dari US Navy

Ada satu unit kecil SEAL di Kem Lumut


Tentera Laut DiRaja Melayu

Ada aset paling mahal antara cabang Darat Laut Udara

Aset Darat pasukan Marin berkongsi dengan Tentera Darat

Aset Udara berkongsi dengan Tentera Udara

Aset Laut tentulah TLDM sendiri

Sengaja kita susun kerjasama sebegitu


Ini pasukan Hulubalang Laut 

Dapat sponsor aset Dari USA Dan Soviet

Hadiah dikenang jasa Dari operasi Khas CINASIA seluruh dunia

ATM diminta untuk lindung USA Dan Soviet

Ini satu penghormatan pada kita

Dapat hadiah wang tunai Dari berbagai Negara


Tentera Laut DiRaja Melayu

Uniform putih navy memang lawa

Uniform Laksamana Beret Hitam disusun Tuanku Sultan Perak sendiri


Warga TLDM bangga sebagai Tentera Laut

Sangat canggih hadiah aset Dari USA Dan Soviet


Penulis lirik PUTERA JAWA  



Ini pasukan Dato Temenggung

Ketua Polis Negara bergelar Dato Temenggung 

Tugas kawalan keselamatan dalam Negara

Ibupejabat bergelar Balai Polis Bukit Aman

PDRM baru berpindah ke pentadbiran MINDEF

Barulah tersusun line of command


Ini pasukan Dato Temenggung

Gelaran ini sejak zaman Melaka lagi

Temenggung bertanggung keselamatan dalam Negeri Melaka

Panglima teratas adalah Laksamana Hang Tuah di zaman itu

Sekarang masih guna Khidmat wali Allah Laksamana Hang Tuah

Ini kelas 7 Ilmu Perang Ilmu Wali


Ini pasukan Dato Temenggung

Minat pula anak Beret Hitam dengan kadet polis sekolah

Sekarang Iqah berpangkat Jeneral dalam Hulubalang DiRaja

Jeneral Iqah 5 bintang komander kadet komando polis SMAP Labu


Semua pelajar di sekolah ni masuk pasukan kadet komando polis


Ini pasukan Dato Temenggung 

Balai polis ada banyak seluruh Negara

Menjaga keselamatan orang ramai

Patut berterima kasih pada polis Negara aman

Jabatan Anti Kongsi Gelap baru rampas senjata orang Cina

Satu rumah Cina satu pistol sudah habis dirampas


Ini pasukan Dato Temenggung 

Polis sesuai Pertahanan bandar

Tentera baru susun pasukan moto Tentera Darat

Ini dengan tujuan Pertahanan bandar 

Trak polis Dan Tentera ada masalah redah traffic jam

Polis pun sesuai buat pasukan moto


Ini pasukan Dato Temenggung 

Cawangan Khas PDRM ada merata rata

Mereka mata Dan telinga pasukan polis

Dah bersara pun masih jadi anggota cawangan Khas

Terkenal dengan gelaran SB special branch

Laksamana Beret Hitam dikawal ramai cawangan Khas


Ini pasukan Dato Temenggung 

Polis ada pasukan Senoi Pragg

Ini pasukan polis orang asli

Sangat cekap ikhtiar hidup di hutan

Ini unit dalam Komando 69

Senoi Pragg bermakna orang perang

Penulis lirik PUTERA JAWA  



Kawalan keselamatan pinggir pantai

APMM di bawah perintah Laksamana TLDM

Barulah tersusun rapi perintah kawalan pantai

Perlu berkawal sepanjang pantai Semenanjung Melayu

Juga kawalan pantai Sabah Sarawak

Unit terbaru squadron lang Laut dalam perancangan


Kawalan keselamatan pinggir pantai

Aset Maritim sesuai dengan kerja kawalan pantai

Kapal kapal Maritim lebih kecil 

Bekerjasama dengan pasukan Polis Marin

Ibupejabat Maritim berpangkalan di Lumut juga

Asalnya anggota TLDM diserap ke Maritim


Kawalan keselamatan pinggir pantai

Pasukan komando Maritim pun ada

Mereka dilatih PASKAL TLDM

Beret warna maroon juga

Squadron lang Laut akan dikendalikan komando Maritim

Ada pasukan hovercraft komando Maritim 


Kawalan keselamatan pinggir pantai

Ada eksesais Maritim bersama TLDM Dan Marin Tentera Darat

Latihan tertumpu di sepanjang pantai

Unit kapal selam Maritim pun dah ada

Diperintah Komando Maritim

Kawalan pantai terbahagi tiga


Kawalan keselamatan pinggir pantai

Kawalan Pantai Barat

Kawalan Pantai Timur

Kawalan Pantai Borneo

Ada dron diterbangkan sepanjang pantai

Teringin pula kawalan pantai guna squadron lang Laut


Kawalan keselamatan pinggir pantai

Maritim ada pejabat di Putrajaya

Tapi ibupejabat di Kem Lumut 

Maritim sekarang di dalam MINDEF

Di bawah perintah TLDM

Barulah tersusun rapi Pertahanan sepanjang pantai


Kawalan keselamatan pinggir pantai

Pasukan hovercraft Maritim bergerak laju

Perlu diperlahankan sebelum berhenti

Kelajuan maksima 200 km sejam

Terbang rendah di atas permukaan Laut

Hovercraft dibeli Dari USA

Penulis lirik PUTERA JAWA


Pendekar Istana Raja Raja Melayu

Dapat Ilmu Perang Dari Laksamana Beret Hitam 

Tekun gigih berlatih Silat

Ada 400 lebih Silat dalam Kelas 7 Ilmu Perang

Ada juga TKD Hang Tuah dalam Ilmu Perang

Belajar Silat Dari Para Wali Hulubalang Melaka


Rejimen Askar Melayu DiRaja

Dapat wali untuk setiap Silat

PESAKA sudah masuk dalam latihan ATM

Hendak dibuat 400 lebih Gelanggang seluruh Negara

Semua Gelanggang milik Raja Raja Melayu

Macam dulu dulu latihan Perajurit Sultan


Pendekar Istana Raja Raja Melayu

Gendang Perang berbunyi

Kawad Askar ikut rentak paluan gendang

Zaman gemilang kembali lagi

Tak Melayu mati



Rejimen Askar Melayu DiRaja

Dulu dulu zaman British Askar Melayu Rejimen pertama

Terkenal Leftenan Adnan dalam Rejimen pertama

Semoga dicucuri Rahmat roh beliau

Pendekar kita disebut sebut sampai sekarang

Allah beri Ilmu Perang kepada bangsa Melayu


Pendekar Istana Raja Raja Melayu

Melayu tiada Nabi hanya ada Wali Besar Imam Mohd

Allah beri Ilmu Perang kepada Imam Mohd

Pemimpin akhir zaman bantu Rasulullah Raja Nabi Isa AS

Imam Mohd Khalifah Islam bantu Rasulullah 

Dahulu Rasulullah Raja Nabi Isa AS doa mohon dibantu


Rejimen Askar Melayu DiRaja

Ini pasukan Imam Mohd Dari Negara MELAYU

Pasukan Tulang belakang dalam Angkatan Tentera

Gigih tekun berlatih Ilmu Perang

Laksamana Hang Tuah sendiri susun latihan Silat

Ada para wali Dan Malaikat dalam Tentera Islam


Pendekar Istana Raja Raja Melayu

Pasukan teratas bergelar HULUBALANG DIRAJA

Pasukan paling elit dalam Angkatan Tentera

Dapat bantuan latihan Silat Dari Para wali

Gaya latihan ILMU PERANG memang guna bantuan para wali

LAKSAMANA HANG TUAH gigih beri latihan



Rejimen Askar Melayu DiRaja

Pendekar Melayu kita

Rejimen beragama Islam

Tulang belakang Angkatan Tentera

Rejimen terbesar dalam ATM

Rejimen utama Tentera Darat


Pendekar Istana Raja Raja Melayu

Anak Melayu kita Dari kampung

Lepasan SPM anggota prebet

Dan lepasan ijazah para pegawai

Taat setiap pada Tuanku Agong

Sanggup berjuang untuk ibu pertiwi


Penulis lirik PUTERA JAWA 


Fleet Garuda Chinook TUDM

Fleet Garuda Chinook TUDM

Helikopter besar pengangkut buatan USA

Dah ada sebagai aset Tentera Udara Melayu

Boleh mengangkut 50 anggota

Boleh juga mengangkut meriam kecil

Tidak perlukan landasan panjang


Fleet Garuda Chinook TUDM

Berpangkalan di Subang airport

Dapat hadiah Chinook dari Tentera US

Dengan harapan ATM lindung USA

Insya Allah kata kita

ATM akan lindung USA


Fleet Garuda Chinook TUDM

Garuda burung besar dahulu kala

Dongengnya mengangkut orang 

Tanah saiz padang bola 

Pun sudah cukup untuk berlabuh

Chinook terkenal seluruh dunia 



Fleet Garuda Chinook TUDM

Helikopter pengangkut dua kipas

Dinaik taraf berkali kali

Makin lama makin canggih

Sangat berjasa dalam tentera US

fFleet Garuda kita baru dapat


Fleet Garuda Chinook TUDM

Dah ada kapal pengangkut Garuda

Enam Garuda boleh berada atas kapal

Satu kapal boleh angkut 

50 x 6 = 300 anggota atas kapal pengangkut

Serangan anggota marin tentera darat



Fleet Garuda Chinook TUDM

Akan bertugas di luar negara

Mengangkut anggota ke luar negara

Perajurit kita bertugas di perbatasan

Boleh turunkan anggota dengan mudah

Tidak perlu landasan panjang


Fleet Garuda Chinook TUDM

Helikopter kebanggaan USA

Helikopter kebanggaan TUDM

Kapal pengangkut Garuda

Dilindung 8 kapal selam Serpent

Bergerak laju di barisan hadapan 

Penulis lirik PUTERA JAWA


Excalibur Platoon

The Gang of 40 Commander will hold the Excalibur Sword

The Commander will carry the title EXCALIBUR WARLORD

The legendary sword of England

The sword of the Knight of the Round Table

During King Arthur era

King Arthur and Knights are Muslims

Followers of Rasulullah Nabi Isa AS

Before Rasulullah Nabi Muhammad SAW time


Chase away all Jews to leave from England and Japan

They are too dangerous to be in England and Japan

All swords Excalibur and Samurai

will be installed Ilmu Malaikat Maut

and Ilmu 6000 Malaikat

for Muslim Soldiers Worldwide insya Allah

Insya Allah all muslim soldiers

will be installed kebal pisau and kebal backfire

Please doa all our Muslim Soldiers safe in fighting against dajjal soldiers


Insya Allah





Imam Mohd soldiers from Khurasan

This troop is mentioned in hadis Rasulullah Nabi Muhammad SAW

This troop wave black flag of Muslim soldiers

Black colour means no surrender

General Taliban is no 3 General in Muslim Soldiers Worldwide

Taliban troop being sponsored by He MINDEF Melayu


Imam Mohd soldiers from Khurasan

Khurasan is old name of Afghanistan

Taliban troop is experienced in war

They dream of syahid in war against kuffar

Very brave in war

Taliban and alQaeda will be in frontline with Imam Mohd


Imam Mohd soldiers from Khurasan

Allah already promised victory for Muslim soldiers

Against kuffar dajjal laknatullah soldiers

Doa from Rasulullah Nabi Muhammad SAW 

Give Ilmu Perang to Imam Mohd 

Ilmu Perang has 7 classes


Imam Mohd soldiers from Khurasan 

Imam Mohd has Malaikat Jibril .. this is class 4

Imam Mohd has 6000 Malaikat .. this is class 5

Imam Mohd has Malaikat Maut .. this is class 6

Imam Mohd also has assistance from Para Wali Allah .. this is class 7

Imam Mohd is leader of para Wali



Imam Mohd soldiers from Khurasan

Class 3 is Ilmu Nabi Sun Tzu

This is the kitab Nabi Sun Tzu Art of War

And Nabi Sun Tzu Kung Fu 100 styles

Class 2 is Ilmu Rasulullah Nabi Sulaiman AS soldiers

Class 1 is Ilmu Rasulullah Nabi Muhammad SAW soldiers


Imam Mohd soldiers from Khurasan 

Once Taliban complete Ilmu Perang training

Will be awarded the black Beret from Tuanku Agong at Istana Negara

Joining the HULUBALANG DIRAJA commando regiment of Muslim Soldiers Worldwide

Joining the BLACK BERET SPECIAL FORCES of Muslim Troops

Also need to have 3 Commando Benet land sea and air commando training



Imam Mohd soldiers from Khurasan

Hadis say those with Imam Mohd troop is very rewarded in Jannatul Firdaus

Allah already promised victory for imam Mohd Troops insya Allah

Muslim troops dreamed of Jannatul Firdaus 

Imam Mohd will be using Rasulullah Nabi Muhammad SAW Sword

Using this sword Imam Mohd hands and leg will be moved by Malaikat Jibril insya Allah


Penulis lirik PUTERA JAWA



Soviet Military Command at Kremlin

2nd biggest military asset in the world

Ranking no 3 strongest military in the world

Has continuous upgrade of weapons

Competing space program with NASA US

Already dismantle all nuclear weapons


Soviet Military Command at Kremlin

Setting up KREMLIN COLLEGE as military school

Planning to be BLACK BERET CAMP

General Rahim of MCKK is giving consultation for this Kremlin COLLEGE

Soviet paid expensively for this project

We will send 5 MCKK graduates to this college as TRAINERS


Soviet Military Command at Kremlin

Soviet commandos need to have 3 knife training

Then follow Ilmu Perang training

Before being awarded the Black Beret title

Will claim the Black Beret from Tuanku Agong at Istana Negara

Then can carry the title BLACK BERET SPECIAL FORCES 


Soviet Military Command at Kremlin

Need to built many masjid in Soviet

As people of Soviet defence from dajjal the Satan

Need to campaign become Muslims for entire Soviet

Predicted by Malaikat MAUT war against dajjal will start in year 2032

This is a world war 4


Soviet Military Command at Kremlin

Entire Soviet nation can wait for Nabi Isa

Soviet can send 40 Commandos 

To train with Nabi Isa Ilmu Perang in Palestine 

Nabi Isa have stock of the berets

Once complete training can send next 40 Commandos 


Soviet Military Command at Kremlin

Can built a big MASJID above the underground fort at Moscow

To block dajjal from taking back the underground fort

The underground fort is planning of China and Israel

Can claim cost of all masjid from ulama of Indon

I have given Islamic fixed deposit to ulama of Indon 


Soviet Military Command at Kremlin

Let this song be a campaign for Soviet nation

Please quickly be prepare for fight against dajjal

Dajjal already dead but his Satan soul plan harm us

Dajjal will use a dead body back to life

Allah already promised Muslim soldiers will win insya Allah

Penulis lirik PUTERA JAWA


Pentagon USA Military Command

Pentagon is the Commander of Injil Soldiers

Followers of Rasulullah Nabi Isa AS

Famous for newest sophisticated weapons

Famous for NASA space program

The biggest military asset in the world


Pentagon USA Military Command

USAF has almost accurate air strike

US Navy submarines also use the title SERPENT

US Navy SEAL has a small unit at Lumut TLDM camp

Providing training and special weapons for PASKAL

Pentagon is ranking 2nd strongest military in the world


Pentagon USA Military Command

Pentagon is similar with Sayyidina Umar during Nabi Muhammad time

At first against Islam then after that convert become Muslim

Now Pentagon is right hand man to Imam Mohd

Pentagon is second General of Muslim Soldiers worldwide

Being promised to wait for Nabi Isa



Pentagon USA Military Command 

Osama made a fatal mistake for not offering Islam

Imam Mohd not killing Christian soldiers at all

Pentagon is supplying weapon components for Melayu weapons assembly

Pentagon Soviet Britain Japan Germany France is supply weapons components

For Beret Hitam Group weapons assembly in Melayu


Pentagon USA Military Command

Planning to create a military boarding school named WASHINGTON COLLEGE

Following MCKK setup as Black Beret Camp

Westpoint recruited 20 MCKK graduates as Trainers in the military academy

Sandhurst of England also recruited 20 MCKK graduates as Trainers

England also have plans for LONDON COLLEGE a military boarding school 


Pentagon USA Military Command

US NASA have plans to travel to Mars

The spaceship is nicknamed BATTLESTAR

Malaikat MAUT told us to mix uranium and cuprum become no radioactive

The ratio is one to one 1:1

Now we have a new fuel to last a long time


Pentagon USA Military Command 

Now submarines can use the mixture of uranium and cuprum as fuel

No more radioactive and safe

Aircraft carriers can use this fuel

US Navy has the biggest assets in the world

Second biggest is Soviet Navy

Penulis lirik PUTERA JAWA  



Britain MINDEF Military Command 

General Rahim of MCKK will help setup LONDON COLLEGE

We will create a black Beret camp at London College

MCKK 20 graduates will help to setup the training in London College 

Britain commandos must pass 3 knives land sea and air training

Then follow Ilmu Perang training at Sandhurst Military Academy


Britain MINDEF Military Command

England soldiers need to prepare against dajjal Satan

Ilmu Perang has wirid as protection against dajjal black magic

Must try to pursuade entire England become Muslims

Let this war song be a campaign against dajjal satan

Must built a lot of mosques in England


Britain MINDEF Military Command

Please wait for Nabi Isa to go public

Nabi Isa is preparing video of his lectures on Islam

Nabi Isa will have a website ready with lectures video

The price is only USD1 per video to download

Very soon said Nabi Isa AS


Britain MINDEF Military Command

dajjal already dead but his satan soul will disturb us

dajjal use dead body as his zombie soldiers

England soldiers need to be equipt with sword lessons

English soldiers can just remain in England and protect your nation

Built mosques as public shelters protected from dajjal soldiers


Britain MINDEF Military Command

dajjal zombies plan to create problems for everybody

English soldiers need to learn sword fighting

Cut the zombies head hands and legs

Zombies already dead bullets can’t stop them

Our MCKK boys will help with Ilmu Perang training



Britain MINDEF Military Command

Ilmu Perang is art of fighting special to use against dajjal zombies

War against dajjal will start from the year 2032

Muslim military is preparing now

Jews and dajjal is also preparing for war

Our Muslim soldiers need to prepare quickly



Britain MINDEF Military Command

dajjal plans to capture our ladies

dajjal planning gang rape sex fiesta

Every country in the world must learn Ilmu Perang

dajjal zombies unable to enter mosques

Mosque is protected from dajjal zombies


Penulis lirik PUTERA JAWA



Nabi Muhammad troop from Saudi Arabia 

Rasul claims AlQaeda his troop from Saudi Arabia

Al Qaeda dream of syahid in war

Al Qaeda and Taliban are very brave fighters

Very famous no fear in action

Willing to be in the front line


Nabi Muhammad troop from Saudi Arabia 

We have Al Qaeda platoons in so many countries

Multi national commandos in so many countries

Sponsored by MINDEF Melayu

Need to have 3 Benets land sea and air commando training

And need to pass the Ilmu Perang training before being awarded the black Beret



Nabi Muhammad troop from Saudi Arabia 

Those already passed will receive the black Beret from Tuanku Agong Melayu

The ceremony will be in Istana Negara Kuala Lumpur





Nabi Muhammad troop from Saudi Arabia 

Only two countries can award the black Beret

Nabi Isa of Palestine can award the same Black Beret 

Black Beret stock is actually from Tuanku Agong Istana Negara

Nabi Isa also have the same Ilmu Perang of Laksamana Beret Hitam 

Nabi Isa is Grand Master 1 and Laksamana Beret Hitam Grand Master 2


Nabi Muhammad troop from Saudi Arabia 

Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia already have rifle factories

In Melayu countries we already have weapon assembly factories

This is BERET HITAM GROUP weapons business

Injil Soldiers have sophisticated weapons

Injil Soldiers contribute weapon components supply to Melayu country


Nabi Muhammad troop from Saudi Arabia 

Laksamana Beret Hitam use Injil Soldiers tactic 

To take over Pentagon from Israel

Pentagon being asked to wait for Nabi Isa AS

Pentagon now on our Muslim troops side

We get sophisticated weapons from Pentagon


Nabi Muhammad troop from Saudi Arabia 

Pentagon is Commander of Injil Soldiers 

Our Muslim soldiers has two groups

One group is named MUSLIM SOLDIERS 

the second group is named INJIL SOLDIERS

MUSLIM SOLDIERS belongs to Nabi Muhammad and INJIL SOLDIERS belongs to Nabi Isa

Penulis lirik PUTERA JAWA


Black Beret Commandos Worldwide

Followed the training of ILMU PERANG

Silat Ilmu Perang is from Rasulullah Nabi Muhammad doa

Silat Ilmu Perang have assistance from Wali and Malaikat

Lembing Malaikat MAUT can move inter continental

Admiral Black Beret has parang Celoreng as main weapon


Black Beret Commandos Worldwide

Parang Celoreng will be moved by Malaikat MAUT

Strike enemy neck and fly back to the hand of Beret Hitam

Samurai sword can fly and strike enemy

Then return back to the hand of Beret Hitam

Beret Hitam carry the famous sword of Rasulullah Nabi Muhammad


Black Beret Commandos Worldwide

Commando Norman will carry replica sword Excalibur of England

This is keramat sword of English Knight of the Round Table

Commando Boje will carry the Keris Taming Sari

Commando England will handle original Excalibur

Our units is our secret


Black Beret Commandos Worldwide

Our Serpent Submarine will strike satan soldiers in the sea

Our submarine Tomahawk will strike satan soldiers on land

Everybody know satan soldiers afraid to die

Our Geng of 40 Commandos will hunt dajal and satan nizam

satan soldiers is trembling now


Black Beret Commandos Worldwide

Insya Allah our Geng of 40 Commandos can move in one second

Being moved by Malaikat MAUT Class 6 Ilmu Perang

We will hunt satan soldiers worldwide

satan nizam will be struggling like hell insya Allah

satan dajal will be struggling like hell insya Allah


Black Beret Commandos Worldwide 

Allah already promised Muslim Soldiers will win

satan soldiers on the losing side

Rasulullah Nabi Isa rule the entire world now

Imam Mohd will assist as Khalifah

Now we have Muslim Empire worldwide


Black Beret Commandos worldwide

Gerakhas has tiger commando unit at Mersing camp

Tarzan program of Gerakhas

The tiger leader is named TIGRA

Talking to TIGRA with Malaikat MAUT as interpreter

Tiger being fed with two chicken per tiger

Penulis lirik PUTERA JAWA


To Lembaga Pertubuhan PELADANG

Need to understand the theory of AGRICULTURAL MANUFACTURING.  Start with retail shops .. you need product so you setup factories .. then factory need raw material .. so you setup plantation.  We are going to do this mega project worldwide. 

AFFD have put fixed deposit totalling RM500 billion for these purposes.  We will use the FD dividends monthly to invest in our mega project.  USA contribute fund RM500billion also to be put in fixed deposit Islamic in Kuala Lumpur Maybank. Other countries can contribute fund RM500billion from each countries if you can afford.  Insya Allah.  Accounting will be handled by AFFDmgt and will be updated daily .. where you can check the Oracle system .. insya Allah ..

PELADANG HOLDING SDN BHD is subsidiary of Felda Corp Sdn Bhd in AFFD Group.  

We will create a holding company PELADANG HOLDING (FRANCE) CO LTD in Paris.  

We can start our chain of retail shops in Paris France .. appoint our French man to be the Chairman in France .. and the CEO of France local man.  

CEO need to find a condo apartment where company will pay become quarters for Chairman.  And Chairman can choose to buy a car BMW or Mercedes become company car ..  company will pay.  

CEO can also find for himself a company condo apartment and a company car either BMW or Mercedes ..  Company will pay ..

CEO need to find some property agents to look for shoplots entire France near housing areas.  Then find an interior architect to design our shoplots.  

CEO can find one office lot for your management .. we buy this office lot .. do interior design .. temporarily can occupy an instant office at Regus.

France veteran soldiers can have a second career in our plantations.  

What we do in France will be similar with other countries.  

Peladang need to consult AgroBazaar on the retail shop system which need to integrate with Oracle system in AFFD Group.  Agrobazaar will be the RETAIL DIRECTOR managing the retail business worldwide from HQ in Kuala Lumpur, Malaya.  

Mr Donald Trump will be the worldwide Group Vice Chairman managing from Washington USA.  

At each country level the management or leader can claim bonus share from half the net profit .. insya Allah ..

We are expecting extra increasing company tax for each country involved .. insya Allah .. expected to increase from year to year .. insya Allah ..

I took three years for our Malaya Agricultural Manufacturing mega project to succeed.  To evaluate how successful just look at your tax collection .. increasing company tax from year to year .. insya Allah ..

AFFD Group Management Team MARA FAMA and FELDA have done a good successful job in our mega project .. myself Commander Special Forces Malaya have awarded these 3 Chairman commando berets .. they are

Mejar Jeneral MARA Gerakhas UTK

Leftenan Jeneral FAMA Paskal Komando 69

Leftenan Jeneral FELDA Paskau Ungerin

These 3 Chairmans is my management team Commanders of my Agricultural Manufacturing mega project ..

In Malaya our GRADUATE BUSINESS PROGRAMS is successful producing so many entrepreneurs become young directors in AFFD Group.  Thanks a lot to the entrepreneurship lecturers of all our IPTA universities.  Awards of commando berets for these lecturers.  All will be given the rank Major.  Insya Allah ..  Lecturers can wear these commando berets during lectures.  Insya Allah.  

We will develop African region with PELADANG project .. we will do frozen meat business .. cow goat and chicken .. we will built factories to process meat .. and plantations .. insya Allah .. African region government can expect some tax revenue from companies and employment .. insya Allah ..

War torn countries like Palestine, Arakan Myanmar, Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq can be redevelop with PELADANG project .. insya Allah ..

Malaya ATM would like to say very much thank you to USA President Biden and General Pentagon for letting Malaya to have Beret Hitam Group weapons assembly in Malaya.  DYM Tuanku Yang DiPertuan Agong will award the BLACK BERET OF SPECIAL FORCES to both of them.  Thank you again. alhamdulillah and insya Allah.


Insya Allah



Uiygur China Ilmu Perang exercise

To General China

Uiygur China Ilmu Perang Exercise

1.  10 Uiygur platoon on foot move in one second.  Class 6 Ilmu Malaikat Maut.  

2.  10 trucks Uiygur soldiers move in one second.  Class 6 Ilmu Malaikat Maut .

3.  Order from USA 50,000 javelin .. javelin training  Class 6 Ilmu Malaikat Maut

4.  10 pairs snipers hunting enemy commander ... Class 7 Ilmu Wali and Class 6 Ilmu Malaikat Maut.  

5.  Air Force multi level formation to shoot simultaneously at air dummy.  Class 6 Ilmu Malaikat Maut.  

6.  Surface to air missile to strike at air dummy.  Class 6 Ilmu Malaikat Maut.  

7.  Submarine torpedo with Malaikat Maut assistance.  Class 6 Ilmu Malaikat Maut

8.  Submarine missile to strike land dummy.  Class 6 Ilmu Malaikat Maut  

9.  Rifle shooting with Malaikat Maut assistance.

10. Flying benet with Malaikat Maut assistance.  

11. Small unit commando on foot move in one second. Class 6 Ilmu Malaikat Maut

12. 5 unit blackhawk with commando move in one second.  Class 6 Ilmu Malaikat Maut.

13. Bravery survival Rambo knife for Muslim soldiers.  Class 1 Ilmu Rasulullah Nabi Muhammad SAW

14. Canon shooting guided by Malaikat Maut.

15. Tank shooting guided by Malaikat Maut.

16. Rifle shooting with Wali assistance.

17. Shoulder missile anti tank guided by Malaikat Maut.

18. Class 5 Ilmu Perang 6000 Malaikat .. invisible where enemy cannot see them even though they are in front. 

19.  Class 5 Ilmu Perang 6000 Malaikat .. invincible where enemy bullets being diverted to the side or bullets being backfired.  Do not purposely shoot at your soldiers.  What you need to do is to ask Malaikat Maut whether invincible is running or not.  

20. 6000 Malaikat sword .. can cut enemy engine become spoiled and jet fighter cannot start.

21. Gerak Wali Class 7 Ilmu Perang .. where soul of Wali enter the soldier body and can perform martial art.  

To do all these your soldiers need to be muslim .. ILMU PERANG TECHNIQUES..  

Setup Uiygur air squadron 100 unit jet fighters ..namely THE EAGLE CLAW.

Setup 50 unit submarine .. namely THE SEA DRAGON.. 

Uiygur Army will be name THE FEARLESS TIGER.  

Insya Allah .. do not talk big and do not boast..  PLEASE .. 

Uiygur Regiment is our muslim troops in Xinjiang China.  The best regiment in China military.  They have Sun Tzu kungfu 100 styles from Class 3 Ilmu Perang.  The best kungfu in China.  Even Shaolin lost to Uiygur when friendly sparring.  Uiygur soldiers are being trained by Sifu 27 from 6 Commandos regiments (Gerakhas Paskal Paskau UTK Komando 69 Ungerin) of Malaya ATM and PDRM.  


Among the best martial art we have is combination of Silat Ilham (the Royal Silat of Perak) and TKD Hang Tuah.  Silat Ilham has the best hand techniques available with us.  For each silat (martial art) you learn you acquire you will be given Diploma for each silat.  If you have 2 silat then you get 2 Diploma.  

Commandos who wish to request for our Black Beret need to choose at least one silat from our Ilmu Perang Class 7.  Need to acquire at least Class 7 (Ilmu Wali) Class 6 (Ilmu Malaikat Maut) and Class 5 (Ilmu 6000 Malaikat) Ilmu Perang.  

Class 2 Ilmu Rasulullah Nabi Sulaiman AS offering to teach the Martial Art of Rasulullah Nabi Sulaiman AS soldiers.  

Class 1 Ilmu Rasulullah Nabi Muhammad SAW offering to teach the Martial Art of Sayyidina Umar al Khattab and Sayyidina Khalid al Walid.

Class 3 Ilmu Nabi Sun Tzu .. Art of War .. there will be one theorytical lecture where you need to save the Sun Tzu Art of War in your google drive where you can access in the handphone.  In this exam you are allowed to access the Sun Tzu Art of War in the handphone.  What we want is how to apply what Nabi Sun Tzu said.  You should know which page which paragraph to refer to.  Passing marks is 40%.  Everyone should be able to pass this subject.  Insya Allah.  

Panglima Gerakhas will be the 2nd Commander of Black Beret Special Forces of Muslim Soldiers Worldwide.  You need Black Beret training need to talk to him.  He will do the arrangement.  

Our UPNM (Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaya) will issue a Bachelor Degree of Ilmu Perang .. once you have completed the ILMU PERANG training.  

After acquiring the Bachelor Degree of Ilmu Perang you still need to pass the land sea and air commando training before entitled to get the Black Beret of our muslim Special Forces.  We recognise other countries land sea and air commando training.  Better still please complete the 3 knife courses first before coming for training Ilmu Perang in Malaya.  

Malaikat Jibril AS has chosen General Green Beret USA to be the 3rd Commander of Black Beret Special Forces of Muslim Soldiers Worldwide.  He need his own Ilmu Perang Camp in USA and need to know how to train Black Berets Commandos.  

Malaikat Jibril AS has agreed with me to choose General Taliban to be the 4th Commander of Black Beret Special Forces. Alhamdulillah..

Malaikat Jibril AS has agreed with me to choose General al Qaeda to be the 5th Commander of Black Beret Special Forces. Alhamdulillah..

In Malaya our Black Beret Regiment is named as HULUBALANG DIRAJA or in English is translated as THE ROYAL KNIGHTS .. alhamdulillah..

All our trainers codenamed SIFU 27 are accepted as Komando Beret Hitam HULUBALANG DIRAJA.. alhamdulillah 

Our Malaya 5 PANGLIMA have successfully setup our commandos Beret Hitam HULUBALANG DIRAJA.. so they are beings recommended to receive the Beret Hitam of Komando HULUBALANG DIRAJA.. Below are the 5 PANGLIMA..

Panglima Angkatan Tentera 

Panglima Tentera Darat 

Panglima Tentera Udara 

Laksamana Tentera Laut 

Ketua Polis Negara 


For other countries after you setup your Black Beret Commandos the General can claim your Black Beret. Alhamdulillah..

All Pengawal DiRaja (Malaya) on duty overseas will be given the Beret Hitam accepted as Hulubalang DiRaja.  Alhamdulillah.  

Kepada Pengawal DiRaja (Malaya)  separuh separuh gilir gilir buat demo gerak sesaat terus ke Istana Negara Kuala Lumpur untuk mengadap DYM Tuanku Yang DiPertuan Agong untuk terima Beret Hitam .. tunggu arahan dari Tuan Panglima Angkatan Tentera Malaya.  

Black Beret training consist of 3 knife land sea and air commando training and Ilmu Perang.. we will also do these training in the country with SIFU27 .. our Malaya commando camp already full not enough space .. hopefully everyone agree .. insya Allah ..

Insya Allah  




My Malaya commando in PENGAWAL DiRAJA has the following ILMU PERANG ..

can shoot a gun at a long distance inter continental .. CLASS 6 ILMU MALAIKAT MAUT

can throw a flying knife at a long distance and the knife after hitting can come back to his hands .. CLASS 6 ILMU MALAIKAT MAUT

can move to a distance in one second without using vehicle .. CLASS 6 ILMU MALAIKAT MAUT

invincible insya Allah bullet backfire or the bullet being diverted to the side and not hitting .. CLASS 5 6000 MALAIKAT

invisible where enemy searching him could not see even actually he is in front .. CLASS 5 6000 MALAIKAT 

All these insya Allah can be done with permission from Rasulullah Nabi Muhammad SAW ..


All leaders and Generals will be covered by ILMU PERANG .. our 8 Malaya commando can handle INSYA ALLAH ...

I have given the command to apply BULLET BACKFIRE covering all Leaders and Generals.  INSYA ALLAH.  Strictly do not boast or talk big.  If accidentally talk big you need to istighfar 1000x ..  




GENERAL TALIBAN WILL BE THE 2ND COMMANDER OF PENGAWAL DIRAJA .. INSYA ALLAH .. GENERAL TALIBAN AND GENERAL ALQAEDA WILL TAKE TURN ALTERNATE YEAR TO BE THE 2ND COMMANDER OF PENGAWAL DIRAJA .. INSYA ALLAH .. General Taliban hand over the position 2nd Commander Pengawal DiRaja to Tuan Panglima Angkatan Tentera Malaya.  alhamdulillah and insya Allah.  

Iran Leader killed in helicopter accident .. sabotaged by his own mechanic said Malaikat Maut.  

Pengawal DiRaja please check on all helicopters of Leaders and Generals.  Check all vehicles of Leaders and Generals.  

Mr President Biden helicopter being sabotaged now corrected.  Let 2 wali Allah Red Indian guard Biden helicopter.  One to guard in the day and the other one to guard at night.  Do the same with Air Force One.  Insya Allah.  Class 7 Ilmu Wali Ilmu Perang 

Britain can ask for help from para Wali Knights of the Round Table and their soldiers.  Class 7 Ilmu Wali Ilmu Perang ..  

France can ask for help from Wali Allah Joan of Arc and her Knights and soldiers.  Class 7 Ilmu Wali Ilmu Perang.  

Pentagon to use javelin to kill all the Jews that try to sabotage us or strike us.  Class 6 Ilmu Malaikat Maut Ilmu Perang ..  

Insya Allah ..  

Some time ago I doa for the best silat martial art in the world for the purpose to strike on dajjal soldiers.  I received ILMU PERANG from the doa of Rasulullah Nabi Muhammad SAW.  al hamdulillah.  

Duli Yang Mulia Yang DiPertuan Agong is happy and satisfied with PENGAWAL DIRAJA will grant the BLACK BERET OF HULUBALANG DIRAJA for Malaya Commandos and for Taliban and alQaeda will receive the BLACK BERET COMMANDOS OF MUSLIM SOLDIERS WORLDWIDE .. receiving the same Black Beret like HULUBALANG..  The Green Berets of USA handling javelin also will be given the Black Berets.  General Green Beret and General Pentagon will also be given the Black Beret.  alhamdulillah.  

Malaya Panglima Angkatan Tentera and Timbalan Panglima Angkatan Tentera will be given the Black Beret and accepted as Hulubalang DiRaja.  Same also for the Panglima of our 6 Commandos .. Gerakhas Paskal Paskau UTK Komando 69 and Ungerin.  alhamdulillah ..  Panglima TUDM and Laksamana TLDM and Ketua Polis Negara will also be given the Black Beret of Hulubalang DiRaja.  alhamdulillah ..  

Hulubalang DiRaja to translate into English is THE ROYAL KNIGHTS ..  

Insya Allah again.  Syukur to Allah.    



Anugerah komando untuk pemimpin LANGKAH 2

 Kepada warga Angkatan Tentera Malaya

Saya telah menyusun 3 LANGKAH untuk padam dua huruf 'si' pada nama negara.  

Nak cerita pasal LANGKAH 2 yang dipimpin oleh MARA  FAMA dan FELDA.  Ketiga tiga Pengerusi akan dianugerah BERET KOMANDO GERAKHAS PASKAL dan PASKAU.  

Pengerusi MARA dianugerahkan pangkat Mejar Jeneral Gerakhas

Pengerusi FAMA dianugerahkan pangkat Leftenan Jeneral Paskal

Pengerusi FELDA dianugerahkan pangkat Leftenan Jeneral Paskau

Ketiga tiga di atas ni adalah MANAGEMENT TEAM AFFD GROUP ..  

Timbalan Pengerusi MARA dianugerahkan pangkat Leftenan Jeneral UTK

Timbalan Pengerusi FAMA dianugerahkan pangkat Leftenan Jeneral Komando 69

Timbalan Pengerusi FELDA dianugerahkan pangkat Leftenan Jeneral Ungerin  

Personal Assistant masing masing dianugerahkan pangkat Kolonel Rejimen Puteri DiRaja ..

Ketiga tiga pemimpin bisnes ini telah menyusun bisnes orang Melayu seluruh negara dan seluruh dunia.  Ini LANGKAH 2. Dan kutipan cukai bumiputra tahun lepas 2023 telah cecah 91%.  Non bumi hanya 9%.  Alhamdulillah.  Bumiputra berjaya menguasai sektor PERTANIAN.  Ini PROJEK MEGA PERKILANGAN ASAS TANI.   Special Operation LANGKAH 2 .. started from year 2019 .. Just imagine MARA can do these in 5 years.  Alhamdulillah ..  

Pensyarah pensyarah ENTREPRENEURSHIP di Universiti Universiti telah banyak melahirkan director director syarikat berbagai bisnes dalam GRADUATE BUSINESS PROGRAM maka para pensyarah ENTREPRENEURSHIP patut dikenang jasa dengan diberikan gelaran Dato.. alhamdulillah..

Dengan special operation LANGKAH 2 Kementerian Pertanian dapat tempat kedua Kementerian terbaik.

Dengan special operation LANGKAH 1 Kementerian Pertahanan dapat tempat pertama Kementerian terbaik .. telah diusahakan upgrade Dan dimasukkan ILMU PERANG dalam Angkatan Tentera.  Sehingga Pentagon minta bantuan kita untuk lindung USA.  ATM baru selamatkan Mr President Biden Dan Jeneral Pentagon Dari cubaan assasination Dari Israel.  Untuk lindung USA maka upah kita adalah weapons upgrade Dari Pentagon.  Cuba bayangkan kita lindung kuasa besar dunia.  ATM dah sampai tahap mana ye?  Alhamdulillah..

Serangan assassin ke atas Prime Minister Britain Rishi Sunak oleh Chief security dia sendiri berjaya dipatahkan dengan bullet backfire 6000 Malaikat Class 5 Ilmu Perang ..

Mr President Biden dikawal oleh PENGAWAL DIRAJA DATO BENDAHARA pasukan 24 anggota milik Tuanku Raja Raja Melayu .. Dan sepasukan Tentera Taliban .. insya Allah

Jeneral Pentagon dikawal oleh PENGAWAL DIRAJA DATO PANGLIMA juga pasukan 24 anggota milik Tuanku Raja Raja Melayu Dan sepasukan Tentera Taliban .. insya Allah

Ada permintaan buat kawalan King Charles of England .. kita akan hantar 24 anggota PENGAWAL DIRAJA TUANKU SULTAN .. insya Allah ..

Special operation LANGKAH 3 adalah ikhtiar politik oleh Perdana Menteri sendiri untuk dapatkan sokongan ahli Parlimen Melayu untuk padam huruf 'si' yang bermakna mati pada nama Negara.  DYM Tuanku Yang DiPertuan Agong yang akan isytihar .. cuma menunggu green light Dari Perdana Menteri.. insya Allah ..

Insya Allah




KAGAT applied the BACKFIRE TECHNIQUE of 6000 MALAIKAT saving Mr President Biden and General Pentagon. 

Assasins tried to shoot but the bullets backfire killing the assasin themselves. 

Mr President Biden experienced 5 shooting at him and General Pentagaon experienced 2 shooting at him. 

Allah saved these two top officials of USA.  

This is INVINCIBLE technique of 6000 Malaikat.  Class 5 Ilmu Perang.  


Insya Allah




Angkatan Tentera Malaya set up GELANGGANG PENDEKAR using the field as dojo at various boarding school mentioned below..

Gelanggang Pendekar Royal Military College (RMC) at Sungei Besi Kuala Lumpur .. Grand Master Sarjan Razali (Gerakhas) of TKD Hang Tuah is the Chief Instructor in RMC.  Tok Guru Harun 2nd son will be teaching Silat Ilham here in RMC.  6 Commando will be helping as instructors.  We will train Korean commandos to become instructors of TKD Hang Tuah.  When ready 10 Korean TKD Hang Tuah instructors will be in RMC and the other 10 will be in Seoul Camp.  Yearly rotation . The purpose is to maintain the standard of both dojo .... Insya Allah.  

Gelanggang Pendekar Malay College Kuala Kangsar (MCKK) .. where the Chief Instructor is the Grand Master Tok Guru Harun of Silat Ilham himself.  This is Royal Silat of Perak and also Royal Silat of ATM.  Tok Guru Harun is appointed as Timbalan Panglima Silat Angkatan Tentera .. insya Allah ..

Gelanggang Pendekar Maktab Rendah Sains Marasi (MRSM) .. 6 Commando will be the instructors.  In MRSM we will teach SILAT PANGLIMA KEDAH .. This is a silat being taught by LAKSAMANA HANG TUAH to his student PANGLIMA AHMAD who become PANGLIMA KEDAH.  This is royal silat of Kedah.  Insya Allah.  

Gelanggang Pendekar Sekolah Menengah Sains ..  6 Commando will be the instructors.  Silat Harimau Berantai will be taught here.  In history Panglima Harimau Berantai is a student of Laksamana Hang Tuah.  Harimau Berantai is a name of a squad of pendekar led by Panglima Harimau Berantai against the occupation of Portugese during the Malacca era.  At this time Laksamana Hang Tuah already missing but he help Malacca actively by being in this squad of pendekar HARIMAU BERANTAI.  When in action this squad cover their faces.  People only know the squad leader but do not know who are the members of this squad Harimau Berantai.  

Gelanggang Puteri Gunung Ledang will be setup at Tunku Kurshiah College (TKC) and Sekolah Tun Fatimah (STF) .. we will train lady soldiers as instructors of Silat Puteri Gunung Ledang.  Give us until August 2024 to prepare.  Here is some history story.  After Puteri Gunung Ledang give impossible condition to Sultan Melaka who want to marry her.  She ran away with Laksamana Hang Tuah .. get married with Wali Hakim and stay at Jerantut Pahang Orang Asli village.  Laksamana Hang Tuah taught her silat with a keris by size of her palm.  Now you know why Laksamana Hang Tuah went missing so sudden.  He was very frustrated with Sultan who want to take his girlfriend.  Our songbird Dato Siti Nurhaliza from Pahang is grandchild of Puteri Gunung Ledang.  Can you imagine how glamour she is?  

Various platoon of foreign commandos is training at our GELANGGANG PENDEKAR.  

In Gelanggang Pendekar MCKK we will choose the best 40 Green Beret Silat Ilham Artist .. 20 will be MCKK Instructor and the other 20 will be Westpoint Instructor .. rotation between MCKK and Westpoint every one year .. we do like this so that Westpoint Gelanggang Pendekar will be at par same standard with MCKK Gelanggang Pendekar .. insya Allah 

We will do the same with Russian commandos Silat Ilham Artist .. we will setup Russian Gelanggang Pendekar.. insya Allah

We will setup Sandhurst Gelanggang Pendekar..insya Allah

We will setup France Gelanggang Pendekar.. insya Allah 

The boxer Mike Tyson pick up to learn the hand techniques of Silat Ilham so I give this a nickname THE BOXING OF KUALA KANGSAR .. 

Trainees when completed the Silat training will be given a Diploma of each Silat from Universiti Pertahanan National Malaysia (UPNM) .. 400+ Silat available in Ilmu Perang Class 7 Ilmu Wali .. trainees can choose any Silat available withn  Para Wali .. insya Allah ..

The hand techniques of Silat Ilham will be added to TKD HANG TUAH of Angkatan Tentera Malaya.  Insya Allah .. 

Entire Angkatan Tentera Malaya need to learn Silat Ilham and TKD Hang Tuah .. insya Allah ..

This ILMU PERANG I got from the doa of Rasulullah Nabi Muhammad SAW.  Last time I doa for the best silat in the world to challenge dajjal soldiers.  Alhamdulillah Allah fulfilled my doa.  Only Rasulullah Nabi Isa can kill dajjal.  My job is to handle dajjal soldiers.  Alhamdulilah.  

Insya Allah





Malaya Prime Minister Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim is launching PELADANG mega projek .. we have started PELADANG OUTLET shops.  Planning to do worldwide.  PELADANG Outlet to share 50:50 with locals.

We welcome worldwide food manufacturers to supply to us but need to use our PELADANG logo on the products.. we will charge royalty 10%.  

We will launch customer loyalty card THE PELADANG CLUB and can claim 2% discount .. this discount card is GOLD in colour.

PELADANG international will sell 50% local products and 50% foreign products .. where all bearing the same PELADANG logo.  

Insya Allah



Waiting for Rasulullah Nabi Isa as to appear in public

To followers of Injil and Quran please be patience for Rasulullah Nabi Isa AS to appear in public. 

Rasulullah Nabi Isa AS will use his website to give kuliah or lessons on Islam.  

Rasulullah Nabi Isa AS can speak all languages in the world.  This is his mukjizat or miracle.  

Now Rasulullah Nabi Isa AS is in homeland Palestine. 

Actually now Palestine is in peace and no war going on.  Israel is playing with the media giving false news about Palestine.  

Insya Allah



Worldwide mega business capital

Those interested to do business can talk to Ernst & Young or Peat Marwick or Price Waterhouse Coopers or Deloitte to join the listing of companies to receive our AFFD capital at the ratio 50:50 where the other party can claim bonus become shares.  Muslim businessmen are encouraged to join our AFFD Group worldwide.  We are operating as multi national companies.  

Ernst & Young and Peat Marwick and Price Waterhouse Coopers and Deloitte can claim admin fee of USD1k from AFFD for each company in the listing.  

AFFD Management going to do the accounting within AFFD Group worldwide .. insya Allah  

Every country in the world need to have its own HOLDING COMPANY .. and AFFD will transfer FD dividend money to these holding companies .. then creating subsidiaries..

AFFD will maintain cash of not more than USD10billion x 4 current a/c in the holding company of each country worldwide..Ernst & Young and Peat Marwick and Price Waterhouse Coopers and Deloitte can control this cash and Ernst & Young and Peat Marwick and Price Waterhouse Coopers and Deloitte will claim their admin fee from this holding companies .. AFFD will top up when the cash reach the minimum balance of USD5billion.  Insya Allah. This is CEO x 4 of each country and can claim wages of USD20k each CEO monthly .. insya Allah .. create a WhatsApp group of all CEO worldwide.  Insya Allah ..

Big Four firms need to request for monthly accounts from clients .. do some review .. can charge USD200 fee monthly on each clients.  Insya Allah .. make sure they are doing OK .. if necessary do corrective actions .. 

For entrepreneurs with business experience if suitable can immediately get the capital.  

For a person with no business experience need to attend weekend entrepreneurship classes at university for one semester to earn a certificate in entrepreneurship before getting the capital.  

If you are new in business the easiest thing to do is franchise restaurant where it has its own training and no need for certificate in entrepreneurship.  Try one restaurant first to gain experience .. when you already know what to do you can do a chain of restaurants.  Insya Allah.

We will combine all funds in one account (Malaya) ..  All investing countries can still maintain its current a/c so that we will know how much is transferred to the MAIN current a/c (combined fund) in Malaya.  Malaya will manage this combined fund.  Insya Allah.  

For countries which picked world bank loan must quickly do this mega business .. hoping for companies taxes .. countries earning tax monies to pay world bank loan instalments. Observe and apply the AGRICULTURAL MANUFACTURING THEORY.. practically proven working well .. insya Allah.

For GRADUATE BUSINESS PROGRAM lecturers will have list of companies to get capital from current a/c with Big Four. Universities Entrepreneurship lecturers must work together with Big Four .. insya Allah .. 

Other universities worldwide can buy acquire the ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROGRAM from UiTM Shah Alam Malaya .. the price of this program is USD1billion .. one semester lecture .. insya Allah .. UiTM have produced a lot of young entrepreneurs become directors in AFFD GROUP .. alhamdulillah.. and insya Allah..

Alhamdulillah AFFD have capital .. we need directors (entrepreneurs) .. insya Allah ..

Insya Allah  




Rasulullah Nabi Muhammad SAW group nick named IMAM MEKAH ..start to teach Islam in USA.  Lead by one Imam code named Imam Khalid al Walid.  These Imams are in al Qaeda.  Trying to bring Islam to the entire world.  Insya Allah.

Imam Khalid now in US National Guards Washington Camp teaching Islam .. insya Allah

With 3 Guru Para Wali Imam Mekah can teach the Sayyidina Umar Martial Art .. insya Allah .. 

Al Qaeda willing to teach Sayyidina Umar Martial Art worldwide for a fee ..insya Allah

Let each al Qaeda camp have at least one Imam (Ulama) to guide the soldiers.  Insya Allah ..



Beret Hitam military weapons USA, Russia, BRITAIN, GERMANY, FRANCE AND JAPAN joint technologies

Malaya going to have assembly plants of BERET HITAM MILITARY WEAPONS with USA, Russia, Britain, Germany, France and Japan joint technologies.  Insya Allah.  .. USA Russia Britain  Germany France Japan receive GOODWILL SHARES ..

The R&D will be in Malaya.  USA components will be produced in USA.  Russian components will be produced in Russia. Britain components will be produced in Britain. Germany components will be produced in Germany. France components will be produced in France.  Japan components will be produced in Japan. The prototype will be developed in Malaya.  Insya Allah .. 

Beret Hitam has paid to Pentagon the price for plant and machinery of armoured vehicle plant in Johor and Serpent submarine plant in Perak.  Insya Allah .. Britain also involve with Serpent submarine. 

Beret Hitam has paid to Pentagon the price for plant and machinery of uav drone plant in Selangor .. insya Allah ..

In April Beret Hitam will pay to Pentagon for the price of Plant and machinery of Beret Hitam jet fighters .. the technology will be the best of three countries USA Russia Germany France and Japan .. British BAE Systems will also involve with this Beret Hitam jet fighters.. insya Allah ..

Colt USA will produce Beret Hitam rifles. 

Kalashnikov Russia will produce Beret Hitam 2 rifles.

Steyr France will produce Beret Hitam 3 rifles.

Laksamana Beret Hitam is Chairman of Beret Hitam Group.

I am appointing General Pentagon as Vice Chairman of Beret Hitam Group with the wages of USD50k monthly.. insya Allah

2nd Vice Chairman .. DYM Tuanku Timbalan Agong ..  

CEO .. Tuan Panglima Angkatan Tentera Malaya

MATCHING CONCEPT .. where revenue to be recognized in the year we incur cost of that product .. to recognize sales on delivery date .. 

Deposits can be recognized when the  money received.  Upon receiving deposits we incur commission expense.  

Insya Allah



Perintah supaya Guru Guru Silat mengadap Tuanku Sultan masing masing

Kepada Guru Guru Silat tiap negeri 

Ini perintah supaya Guru Guru Silat tiap negeri mengadap Tuanku Sultan masing masing.  Datang sebagai satu kumpulan di mana satu silat datang dua pasang Guru dan Murid Kanan dengan isteri masing masing.  Sila hubungi Tan Sri Fadil staf Istana Negara.  Insya Allah ..

Tuanku Raja Raja Melayu berkenan untuk susun Tentera DiRaja tiap negeri.  Ini sub rejimen Askar Wataniah.  Semua orang silat tiap negeri mesti lapur diri di kem Askar Wataniah negeri masing masing.  

Untuk makluman semua saya baru dapat mimpi hal bantuan 6000 Malaikat.  Alhamdulillah ..  

Insya Allah dan terima kasih

To Pentagon

Any overseas chinese with weapons anywhere in the world just kill them immediately with javelin or rifle assisted by Malaikat Maut.  Very disturbing chinese with weapons.  

Seize buried chinese weapons anywhere in the world.  Gerakhas will assist to locate and in the digging.  

We will strike with torpedos on intruding china submarines smuggling weapons and commandos.  

Check every morning .. 

Insya Allah 

To Taliban

One Taliban platoon can move in one second coming to our camp in Sg Buluh as an exercise once every year.  Returning back after a few days here in one second move without using vehicles .. insya Allah ..

We wil create CIMB saving account for your spending here in Kuala Lumpur.  We will put in some cash.  Keep a minimum balance of RM50 in the saving a/c .. so that the card will stay active and can use again in next year exercise.  

This exercise is named EX SUPER COMMANDO .. insya Allah .. those involved please do not boast.  Thank you.  

Below is ILMU PERANG training ..

Class 7 lesson .. 3 Guru Para Wali .. learning martial art from wali

Class 6 lesson .. rifle shooting guided by Malaikat Maut and benet move by Malaikat Maut strike the banana tree 

Class 5 lesson .. 6000 Malaikat Sword strike the banana tree .. invincible .. bullet incoming be diverted .. invisible .. enemy cannot see even though you are in front them ..

UPNM going to set up Ilmu Perang Campus here in Malaya.  Insya Allah.

Westpoint interested to have Ilmu Perang Campus also.  Twinning UPNM Westpoint Ilmu Perang Campus.  Insya Allah

Sandhurst also interested.  Twinning UPNM Sandhurst Ilmu Perang Campus.  Insya Allah.  British soldiers can learn the ancient martial art of the Knights of the Round Table from King Arthur time.  They are followers of Nabi Isa .. they are muslims before Nabi Muhammad time.  Insya Allah.  

Russia also interested.  We are going to have UPNM Twinning with Russia Military Academy for Ilmu Perang Campus.  Insya Allah.. 

We are going to have UPNM Ilmu Perang Branch Campus in Afghanistan.  Insya Allah.  

Nato also interested.  We will have UPNM Twinning with French military academy for Ilmu Perang campus in France. Insya Allah.   

India soldiers can learn Kalari Payat from Nabi Kalari of India.  Insya Allah.  

Japan soldiers can learn the Ninjitsu martial art from Nabi Ninjitsu.  A Ninja .. Insya Allah ..

In Xin Jiang China we have Sun Tzu kungfu 100 styles being taught by Sifu 27 of Malaya commandos which the wali teaching is students of Nabi Sun Tzu 2000 BC which is 4000 year old kungfu .. insya Allah 

The best martial art in the world is Silat Ilham Royal Silat of Perak State Malaya.  Learn this and learn the 2nd martial art of your choice.  With Ilmu Perang Class 7 you can choose any martial art available with the Para Wali or Saint worldwide.  For England soldiers can choose to learn the ancient martial art of the Knights of the Round Table.  King Arthur's Knights.  

French's Joan of Arc has eleven knights.  French soldiers can learn from them.  

Insya Allah



Kuasa Budibicara AGONG semasa darurat

Kepada Tuan Peguam Negara

Sila edit undang undang supaya Yang Mulia Agong ada kuasa budi bicara semasa darurat .. contohnya seperti berikut ..

1.  Kuasa veto Agong isytihar pemerintahan Tentera semasa darurat

2.  Kuasa veto Agong mengekalkan Perdana Menteri semasa darurat guna kekuatan Tentera sehingga hujung penggal ..

3.  Kuasa veto Agong membatalkan usul undi tak percaya terhadap Perdana Menteri 

4.  Kuasa veto Agong memadam kata kata penghinaan 'si' yang bermakna 'mati' dalam bahasa cina pada nama Negara .. maka nama negara jadi MALAYA.

Semua Sembilan Tuanku Sultan tandatangan sudah cukup untuk luluskan kuasa veto Tuanku Agong .. tak perlu kelulusan majoriti Dewan Rakyat ..

Melalui emel sokongan majoriti Dewan Rakyat dah ada walaupun tak perlu ..

Cuba fikirkan lagi ye

Insya Allah



China soldiers must remain in China .. their only safe place

To China soldiers

Please remain stay in China where this is the only safe place for them and will not be harmed.  If China soldiers go to other countries .. will be killed with javelin.  

Insya Allah




For countries interested in AGRICULTURAL MANUFACTURING MEGA PROJECT can contact MARA to engage one UiTM Harvard University lecturer (supervisor) for PHD in Entrepreneurship with CEO of the respective countries .. the CEO can be a staff in Ernst & Young or Peat Marwick.  PHD supervisor will pick my relevant articles for the CEO to refer and rewrite accordingly for the respective countries .. We will use Google drive folder. When the project is successful where the respective country start to earn extra tax collected then only the CEO get a Pass in PHD in Entrepreneurship.  

Year 2024 is preparation where your university need to acquire our entrepreneurship syllabus from UiTM Harvard University for five months.  The following semester your final semester student will attend the entrepreneurship lectures.

Year 2025 80% graduates receive capital money and start to commence business.

Year 2026 is when companies start to pay tax .. your country suppose to start earning extra tax.  

The price for Entrepreneurship Syllabus (one semester) is USD1billion.

The price for PHD Entrepreneurship.. agricultural manufacturing mega project is USD1billion.

These PHD PROJECTs are also being assisted by eight other universities in Malaya. They UUM, UM, USIM, UKM, UPM, UMS, UMP and UTAR.  These are subcons of the PHD project. They requested for participation.  

For everybody information this mega project was initially approved and launched in Malaya by the former YAB Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir in the year 2020.  Earliest project started in Terengganu using Terengganu oil royalty .. kampung chicken .. now already coming to fifth year 2024. 

I am appointing YAB Tun Dr Mahathir as a director in AFFD Holding assisting me to manage the mega project worldwide.

Tun Dr Mahathir's son Dato Mukris also a director will assist his father especially attending meetings worldwide.  Any problems arise just let Dato Mukris know .. his job to do trouble shooting.

Tun Dr Mahathir's daughter Dato Marina now appointed a director will also assist her father.  

According to Malaikat Jibril our best selling product is kampung chicken.  We will start with kampung chicken first worldwide.

Insya Allah

CHAIRMAN AFFD GROUP / Mohd Affandi bin Hamzah, BAcct (UUM), CA(M) / MIA17061


Ladang dan perkampungan terancang di Indon

Syarikat induk di Indon ialah PT JOKOWI HOLDING.  Usahasama dengan AFFD.  Saham kerajaan Negeri Indon + Jokowi jadi 50% : AFFD 50%  .. kerajaan Negeri Indon pegang saham nilai tanah.  Jokowi tunggu keuntungan untuk claim bonus saham.

Kita akan buat ladang ladang Dan perkampungan terancang di Indon.  Pihak Indon kena buat lapuran alam sekitar untuk tentukan kawasan hutan mana yang boleh diterangkan Dan kawasan mana kekal hutan simpan.  Lepas tu buat town planning design guna AutoCAD.  Nak susun ladang ladang kampung kampung Dan buat jalanraya Dua lorong.

Pihak Indon perlu senaraikan tanaman tanaman untuk kawasan kawasan mana.  Antaranya kelapa muda, jagung, lemon, limau, laici, longan, padi, durian, rambutan, buah mata kucing, pisang, tembikai, buah naga, nangka, mangga, durian belanda, cempedak, manggis, nenas, potato dan lain lain lagi.  Cuba buat kilang potato chip Agromas. Buat town planning design Dan namakan kawasan ikut tanaman. 

Kawasan ladang limau kasturi Dan berdekatan ada kilang kordial limau kasturi.  Untuk buat kilang offer saham kilang kepada Tuan tanah.  Macam ni boleh dirikan kilang di tengah tengah kampung ..

Kilang Agromas akan masuk Indon untuk proses hasil tanaman masuk tin atau air kotak.  KALAU DAPAT DIPROSES MASUK TIN AKAN BOLEH LETAK LEBIH LAMA DI KEDAI.. kita hanya nak buat hasil tanaman yang boleh diproses saja .. Dari kebun ladang terus hantar ke kilang Agromas .. INSYA ALLAH .. buat tanaman ikut kawasan kampung kampung supaya senang lori angkut hasil tanaman yang sama ke kilang berdekatan. .. Untuk satu kawasan kampung kampung yang buat tanaman yang sama boleh lantik seorang ketua supaya mudah berurusan dengan kilang .. buat satu Whatsapp group supaya mudah berhubung sesama yang terlibat tanaman yang sama .. Mesyuarat kawasan akan dibuat di masjid.  Insya Allah.  

HULUR MESIN RUMPUT IKUT KAWASAN .. dah boleh mula daftar pekerja dengan isi borang .. boleh guna PAYROLL PANDA sistem HR online daftar pekerja .. nanti senang buat ikut kawasan .. boleh juga di berbagai kawasan mula daftar pekerja.. boleh guna masjid masjid sebagai pusat pendaftaran pekerja .. minta bantuan AJK masjid masing masing ..

Juga perlu susun ladang ternakan ayam organik, kambing Dan lembu .. insya Allah.  Susun juga reban pengumpulan ayam kampung di mana orang kampung bela ayam di kebun sebelah rumah Dan jual borong ke reban pengumpulan ayam kampung.  Insya Allah.  Nanti kita buat hasil ternakan frozen.  

Kita akan buat rantaian kedai PT AgroBazaar seluruh Indon di kawasan kawasan padat penduduk.  Kita ada kedai di berbagai negara seluruh dunia.  Produk produk Indon boleh eksport ke berbagai negara ...  

AFFD boleh jadi Agromas Dan boleh jadi Pahlawan Ladang .. Dua Dua subsidiari dalam AFFD Group.  Insya Allah.

AFFD akan buat sedekah sponsor sekolah sekolah di Indon sehingga berjaya ke peringkat universiti untuk lahirkan graduan graduan Indon.  Indon kekurangan graduan bumiputra untuk bekerja di pejabat pejabat ladang.  Untuk sementara graduan graduan Malaya akan kerja di Indon.  Ijazah Pengurusan Ladang UiTM Dan UPM boleh bersiap siap untuk graduan berhijrah ke Indon.  Lepasan sekolah pelajar Indon boleh mohon untuk masuk ke ijazah Pengurusan Ladang UiTM Dan UPM ini. Insya Allah.  Untuk Pengurus Ladang akan disediakan rumah Dan kereta milik syarikat.  Insya Allah.

Ini MEGA PROJEK PERKILANGAN ASAS TANI di Indon.  Insya Allah ada nanti kilang kilang pertanian moden.

Pahlawan Ladang Malaya mula bawa masuk mesin rumput ke Indon Dan gaji minimum untuk veteran tentera Indon.

Debit Peralatan Ladang .. credit Pahlawan Ladang 

Debit Gaji .. credit Pahlawan Ladang

Pahlawan Ladang mula bawa masuk modal ke Indon.  Insya Allah.

Rakyat Indon yang ada tanah kampung (kena tunjuk geran tanah) boleh dapat mesin rumput Dan gaji minimum untuk usahakan tanaman Dan ternakan.  Hasil jualan 50% dapat pada Tuan tanah Dan 50% lagi dapat pada syarikat.  Syarikat tidak akan ambil tanah orang kampung.

Rakyat Indon yang tiada tanah boleh kerja makan gaji dengan syarikat ladang atau kilang .. insya Allah.

Akauntan MARA (AFFDmgt) akan buat perakaunan seluruh Indon .. kita memerlukan ramai akauntan untuk setiap satu syarikat seluruh Indon.. syarikat akan sediakan rumah Dan kereta milik syarikat.  Insya Allah ..

Untuk PT Jokowi Holding kita akan buatkan fixed deposit Maybank Islamic untuk cover kos gaji Dan expenses.  Insya Allah.

Akauntan Dan Pengurus Ladang boleh balik kampung di Malaya sekali sabtu ahad dalam Dua bulan naik AFFD executive jet .. insya Allah .. terbang Dari Indon malam sabtu Dan kembali Dari Malaya malam Isnin.  Penerbangan ditaja syarikat khusus untuk warganegara Malaya yang bekerja di Indon. Insya Allah .. 

Pihak Indon berminat mengendalikan PT AFFD (Indon) Executive Jet .. pihak Malaya AFFD Executive Jet Sdn Bhd setuju untuk melabur dengan letak fixed deposit Maybank Islamic untuk buat breakeven .. 51 countries interested with AFFD Executive Jet business .. insya Allah we will do this .. I limit only 10 aircraft per country .. Boeing need to manufacture 510 units of executive jets .. alhamdulillah and insya Allah .. maintenance servicing will be done by Boeing Malaya .. 

Half net profit can claim bonus shares by Indon management until become Indon 50% : Malaya 50% ..

We will start serving executive jets within AFFD Group worldwide first .. our company policy for Assistant Manager and above entitle for annual holiday where company will sponsor executive jet fares .. insya Allah .. we need to rest after all the hard work during a year .. insya Allah .. 

There will be company annual trip when we achieved the net profit target to reward entire staffs.

Orang kampung di Indon boleh bela ayam kampung untuk jual borong hantar ke reban pusat pengumpulan.  Ada lah pendapatan sampingan.  Reban pusat pengumpulan boleh buat ayam kampung frozen jual ke PT Agrobazaar.  Insya Allah.


We need directors to run the business .. graduates young entrepreneurs .. I am requesting to setup UiTM universities worldwide .. AFFD sponsors this UiTM university .. MARA study loan available ..interest free .. with CGPA 2.75 and above the loan become scholarships .. this is my charity work.  Insya Allah .. Harvard interested to join in .. The university will be named HARVARD UiTM UNIVERSITY .. insya Allah 


Somebody may be interested to do a PHD project on Indon Agricultural Manufacturing or on Great Britain Agricultural Manufacturing.  Real life project of respective countries.  UiTM lecturer will be the PHD supervisor.  Sharing the google drive folder of the project with respective governments administration.  AFFD will invest worldwide .. do not worry about money.  Insya Allah ..  You will get the PHD passed when the projects are successful .. insya Allah .. USA and France interested to invest in various countries .. can nego ..

The paperwork must copy cat my Agricultural Manufacturing Theory if not it won't work .. this theory proven successful in Malaya.  Then adjust accordingly referring to each respective countries.  Your place your plants in your climate ..

Appoint Group CEO for each country .. buy cash the office lot for the holding company and we will arrange Islamic fixed deposit where the monthly dividends to pay salaries in the head office of the holding company ..

MARA is the worldwide CEO .. those countries who need capital money can contact MARA.  Insya Allah ..

We will use Islamic fixed deposit in holding company where the dividends will be used to invest in subsidiaries.. insya Allah 

The fixed deposit and current account under the name of foreign holding company will be at Maybank Kuala Lumpur where the signatories are MARA.  Upon receiving dividends monthly MARA will transfer to foreign current account overseas.  Of course the foreign current account signatories are foreigners respectively.  Insya Allah ..

Each month AFFD Holding receives dividends of around RM8 trillion.  For each country we can allocate Fixed Deposit of RM1trillion.  In one month 8 countries will receive Fixed Deposit. Take turns next 8 countries in the following month .. insya Allah ..

Please disclose in the accounts what you paid for .. such as

Debit school education

Debit loan repayment

Debit investment in subsidiaries

For cargo transportation within AFFD Group worldwide we will use Nippon Express worldwide.  AFFD has shares in Nippon Express.

For accounting within AFFD Group worldwide.. we will use AFFDmgt worldwide .. internal within AFFD Group.  






Malaya TUDM Aerospace Division request to join the NASA and Russian space program.  Participate in ISS rotation of astronaut.  Rotate every 6 months.  Let astronaut meet family after 6 months at ISS.  6 months do work on earth .. then back to be in ISS.  

LASER WEAPON ON SATTELITE .. The Sky Revolver & Aerospace Defence Radar

Thinking of military sattelite equiped with long range laser weapon .. can shoot laser at approaching missile or jet fighters.  Star Wars program.  

Must be accurate and do not let the laser to do destruction on the earth.  Satellite laser to be linked to land radar or radar on ocean battleship .. when approaching missile detected by radar can instruct the satellite laser to strike.  

How about laser to try target a dummy on earth?

The laser will not kick and do not move backwards when firing.  Think about the power for the laser.  Maybe battery charged by solar.  How many shooting can be done until the battery run out of power and need to be charged again by solar?  Maybe one battery will be used up by one shooting.  So we will use 25 batteries.  Gold solar panels to recharge these batteries.  The nickname for this laser satellite is SKY REVOLVER.  Try rotating 25 batteries like a revolver.  Each batteries is separate from other batteries. When rotate one battery will connect to the laser gun.  

Need 2 satellite like this at least where one satellite cover view of one side of the earth.  The second one cover view of the other side of the earth.  

Malaikat Jibril said this laser weapon will be a success.  

Can have ocean battleship with radar linked to sky revolver.  Radar guided laser shooting from the sky.  All aircraft carriers need to have this kind of radar.  Can intercept incoming missile  approaching the ship.  

Use sonar radar underwater to guide the sky revolver to intercept the incoming torpedo towards a battleship.  .  

USA can charge the country which interested to be covered by the sky revolver.  No need to sell any sky revolver because cannot too many such sattelite in the sky above.  The satellites can collide at each other.  Just sell the special land radar or radar on battleship.  

Radar should be able to lock moving target.  


BattleStar Pentagon (USA) .. Fleet Commander  .. soldiers

BattleStar Green Beret (USA)  .. soldiers will be wearing space suits due to the extreme weather on Mars.  Space age soldiers with new guns.  US Green Beret aerospace division going to be the most advanced sophisticated troop in the universe. BUT PLEASE DO NOT BOAST.  

BattleStar Galactica (USA) .. scientists 

BattleStar TIGRESScargo (USA). .. carrot

BattleStar PANTHEROcargo (USA) .. strawberry

BattleStar SWAT (USA)  

BattleStar Red Cross (USA)

BattleStar STARBUCKScargo (USA)

BattleStar KFCcargo (USA)

BattleStar PIZZAHUTcargo (USA)

BattleStar MCDONALDScargo (USA)

BattleStar DOMINOcargo (USA)

BattleStar RAMSAYcargo (USA) .. Gordon Ramsay Restaurant with halal food and drinks only.  

We are going to have 2 pyramid buildings in Mars with 4 x 2 restaurants at ground floor.  Insya Allah.  

BattleStar SkyWalker (Russia)  .. to develop this spaceship with sky revolver laser gun Russia can communicate in google doc asking questions to Malaikat Maut.  MINDEF Malaya will charge USD1billion for this. Russia can also develop space suit and gun for space age Russian soldiers.  Insya Allah.  Russian aerospace commandos going to be among the most advanced and sophisticated troop in the universe.  PLEASE DO NOT BOAST.  Insya Allah.

BattleStar USSRcargo (Russia) .. salad

BattleStar ALBATROSScargo (Russia) .. potato .. use vase that can be turned screwed to the floor 

BattleStar PREMIERAcargo (Malaya) ..  Premiera Chef.. special dish bamboo stick prawn noodle ..  we will try to get the supply of bamboo stick prawn from Sabah and Sarawak.  Premiera Mars Residency Sdn Bhd (incorporated in Malaya) will be the accomodation for our astronauts ..   shares AFFD (Zah) 100% .. Premiera will manage this residency and will charge monthly.. The building will be pyramid shaped.  Very stable if storm coming.  Restaurants will be at ground floor of the pyramid building.  Food and laundry will be charged to room and respective governments will pay for the rooms in Premiera .. Insya Allah.  

Pentagon (Trump) will have the second pyramid hotel with shares 100% ..

Hilton will have the third  pyramid hotel with shares 100%.

BattleStar Cheng Ho (China) .. scientists 

BattleStar Samurai (Japan) .. scientists 

BattleStar Nato (EU) .. scientists

BattleStar ??? (18 units for 18 countries)  .. soldiers

BattleStar KD Beret Hitam (Malaya) . pilot by Paskau . 5% crew Taliban chef and 5% crew Malaya chef .. soldiers

BattleStar KD AFFD (Malaya) .. scientists 

BattleStar KD Hulubalang (Malaya)  .. pilot by Gerakhas . 5% crew Taliban chef and 5% crew Malaya chef .. soldiers

BattleStar KD Pendekar (Malaya) .. pilot by Paskal .. 5% crew Taliban chef and 5% crew Malaya chef .. US soldiers

BattleStar KD Gerakhas (Malaya)  .. 5% crew Taliban chef and 5% crew Malaya chef .. scientists 

BattleStar KD Paskau (Malaya)  .. 5% crew Taliban chef and 5% crew Malaya chef .. scientists 

BattleStar KD Paskal (Malaya)  .. 5% crew Taliban chef and 5% crew Malaya chef .. scientists 

BattleStar KD MYcargo (Malaya) .. one pair Taliban chef and one pair Malaya chef .. chicken cage

BattleStar KD RMCOB (Malaya) .. one pair Taliban chef and one pair Malaya chef .. scientists 

BattleStar KD MCOBAcargo (Malaya) .. one pair Taliban chef and one pair Malaya chef is Otet and wife interested as chefs? .. Bumbledee cargo

BattleStar KD MRSMcargo (Malaya) .. one pair Taliban chef and one pair Malaya chef .. chicken cage

BattleStar KD UiTM (Malaya) .. one pair Taliban chef and one pair Malaya chef .. scientists

BattleStar KD UPMcargo (Malaya) .. one pair Taliban chef and one pair Malaya chef .. chicken cage

BattleStar KD UTKcargo .. one pair Taliban chef and one pair Malaya chef .. goat cage

BattleStar KD KOMANDO69cargo .. one pair Taliban chef and one pair Malaya chef .. goat cage

BattleStar KD UNGERINcargo .. one pair Taliban chef and one pair Malaya chef .. goat cage

Scientists can be passengers in our Malaya BattleStars .. to do research & development in Mars planet. 

Malaya commandos need to use two BattleStars KD Beret Hitam and KD Hulubalang.

US Green Berets can use KD Pendekar.  Insya Allah.  

The others Malaya BattleStars can be occupied with scientists.  

Each BattleStar worth selling price of USD25billion.  With crew of 36 in each BattleStar ..  According to Malaikat Maut the cost of each BattleStar is around USD10++billion .. cost cushion of mark up 50% and technology value of mark up 100% .. this is how the selling price becomes USD25billion.  We have to consider the manufacturer's technical expertise and technology they have.  

US and Russia will share expertise and build the prototype at Boeing plant .. Then all BattleStars will be built by Boeing USA.  Insya Allah.  .Russia sharing expertise will earn 50% discount for Russian BattleStars.

Think of CARGO BattleStar to transport ration to Mars space station.  Think also of putting man in Mars for 6 months rotation.  

Another option is using laser weapon and radar on moving outer space battleship.  The BattleStar can direct laser gun at targets on earth.  The radar should be able to lock targets.

Think of a way to neutralize the radioactive in nuclear fuel.  Malaikat Maut said mix the nuclear fuel with cuprum can neutralize the radioactive .. Uranium : Cuprum ratio 2 : 1  ..  insya Allah .. 

Malaikat Maut predict our space ships will have a successful trip to planet Mars in five years from now .. in year 2028.  The body width is the size of football field with wings to take off and land.  Spaceships together will do the landing in Mars .. will stay in Mars for one month .. then successfully return back to earth.  The travelling to planet Mars will take one week.  Of course returning to earth will also take one week.  Nuclear fuel used up when returned back to earth.  

The rooms of accomodation in the spaceships are small and compact with double decker bed.  Crew can bring spouse together in the trip to Mars.  We will test how to survive in outer space.  Maybe a space station on planet Mars.  Malaikat Maut also predict we will create space station on our moon and then later on Mars.  We test on our moon first.  

The food maybe potato .. carrot .. strawberries .. and try to think of small size fruit plants .. these are also our source of oxygent.

We a coming into a star wars era.  

Design a VERTICAL TAKE OFF & LANDING (VTOL).  In Mars there is no landing strip like we have on earth airport.  

The BattleStar need a wide body with solar panel on top to charge batteries of the laser gun Sky Revolver .. insya Allah ..  

The BattleStar will look like the space shuttle but with wide body like the size of a football field and with wings like the Concorde.  

Malaikat Jibril said safe successful BattleStars explorations to all planets in the Milky Way Galaxy.  Insya Allah.  


No need for nuclear weapon.  Too destructive and cannot be on the targeted land for a long time.  No living thing can survive on the radioactive land.  


Can plants be grown in ISS in the outer space.  Have you test this? Can hope for oxygent from the plants. Is it possible to have a small garden in ISS?  Can eat the vegetables I hope.  Grow vegetables.  Try growing potatoes, carrots and strawberries.  Just a small garden.  

How the vegetable vase look like?  Need to cover the soil with plastic and poke holes for the water to be poured on it.  How to pour water in zero gravity?  Need to push the water with hands towards the soil.  Dato Sheikh Muzaffar Shukur can try doing this project. Growing food in outer space.  

Malaikat Jibril said growing potatoes and carrots in ISS is going to be successful.  

Rear chickens male and female in cages waiting for eggs to be laid.  Test on the space ship on moon space station first.  Learn.  Trial and error.  Need to bring along enough chicken feed stock. 

Our vegetable plants cannot survive in Mars climate .. we need to use a locked green house on Mars.  Test first on our moon.  Set up locked green house on our moon.  Start learning.  This is our food.  The plants need to use vases.  Can easily carried back to spaceship if want to relocate.  The vases need some kind of lock to the floor in the cargo section of the spaceship.  

Prepare for storm on Mars.  Green house walls need to be triangle shape.  When storm about to come all spaceships need to fly up to the sky and be far above the storm below.  

For a start can have plants and livestocks in the spaceships.  Later when it is suitable to have bigger community on the ground of Mars then can have green houses for the plants and livestock.  

Insya Allah.  


Our main menu is chicken or mutton steak with mashed potato with slices of carrot and have strawberries as dessert on spaceships and Bumbledee Cafe at our base in Mars.  Cafe run by Chef Otet and other chefs.  

At the moment Chef Otet is running the Cafe Bumbledee at USM Penang in Malaya.  Now Chef Otet will set up his branches Bumbledee Cafe on our Earth's moon and in Mars base.  

Hilton cafe will be joining us in Mars.  Special bamboo stick prawn noodle.  

Gordon Ramsay Restaurant will also joining us in Mars.  

Starbucks will be joining us in Mars.  

All cargo BattleStars need to have cooler to control the temperature in the cargo section.  Maybe travelling in hot temperature outside the spaceship.  Hot temperature can affect the food we bring along.  

Respective governments will sponsor the transportation of restaurants goods and not charging on transportation.  The spaceships travelling so expensive.  So restaurants can charge for the food at reasonable price.

The 4 restaurant section at level ground in the pyramid building will be named 4 CORNERS.  

Insya Allah  


NASA can list down questions anytime for Malaya Panglima Angkatan Tentera to ask Malaikat Maut.  Need to pay Malaikat Maut with donations to Masjid Mekah Fund current a/c with MINDEF Malaya.  . 

Malaikat Maut already received donation to Masjid Mekah fund.  NASA can continue asking any query within 5 years until the successful trip to Mars. Insya Allah.  Assistance by Malaikat Maut is actually Ilmu Perang Class 6 Ilmu Malaikat Maut.  

Actually these concept design is idea from Allah being put in my mind by Malaikat Jibril.  This is Ilmu Perang Class 4 Ilmu Jibril.  Thanks to Allah for the idea.  

We are going to have military spaceships the BATTLESTARS.  Al hamdulillah.  

We have to share only 2 satellite among all countries involved.  Cannot have too many satellite in orbit moving around the earth.  Can collide with each other.  Hope everybody agree with this.  

According to Malaikat Jibril there are strange plants and strange animal in Mars.  Commandos need to bring guns to cover us.  Need to build fencing around the camp.  Have oxygen in Mars this shows us there is plants emitting oxygen.  Please ask Malaikat Maut on this.  

Electric fencing around the camp need batteries that can be recharged with solar .. Put cctv with zoom camera around our fence hoping can capture video of alien animal wandering near our base.  The Mars base need siren to be sounded when emergency and can scare the wandering animal near the base.  

We cannot rear chicken on land which can attract predators.  Have to rear chicken in our spaceship.  Furthermore the climate may be too hot or too cold.  Our chickens cannot survive outside our spaceship.  

According to Malaikat Jibril there are sizable amount of uranium and cuprum in Mars.  Can ask Malaikat Maut for the positions of these minerals.  

We need internet connection in Mars.  Malaikat Maut said need to use static satellites along the way to Mars.  Then we can communicate with our man in Mars.  Need our man in Mars to see my blog.  

Malaikat Maut said the BattleStar full speed is 500thousand km/hour.  

Our space gun has two barrel .. one barrel using bullets and the second one using laser.  Maybe need to have battery backpack.  The battery rotate or connection to battery rotate. Which one is better? Can check with Malaikat Maut.  

In a forest we must not use laser gun .. can create fire to the forest.  Have oxygent in the forest so can use bullets.  

In space where no oxygent then we use laser.  Try to have minimum 500m laser range.  Do you need options on the laser range.  The laser gun can burn a military vehicle.

Payment for our work sharing 50:50 between AFFD Holding and MINDEF.  Insya Allah.  MINDEF involve doing the testing in R&D.  

Using Ilmu Perang we cannot boast or talk big.  Your strength will fade and become weak no help from malaikat.  If you boast in the mouth you need to istighfar 1000 x .. if you boast in the mind you need to istighfar 3 x..

Insya Allah.



Cold Room tiap negeri

Kepada MARA / FAMA / FELDA / Kerajaan Negeri

Kerajaan Negeri boleh labur buat cold room.  Supaya rakyat boleh letak produk produk frozen dalam cold room. 

AFFD Group (Agrobazaar) akan beli borong bayar kepada rakyat. Agrobazaar akan buat jualan runcit di rantaian kedai Agrobazaar.  

Cold Room claim komisen 15%.  Bergantung kepada laporan kewangan.  


Keropok lekor dari Terengganu dan Kelantan.  Udang harimau dan udang galah (bamboo stick prawn) dari Sarawak dan Sabah.  Ikan dari Kuala Selangor.  Itik salai dari Negeri Sembilan.  Kerbau perap dari Pahang.  Kambing perap dari Perak.  Dan lain lain lagi.  

Kepada YB Dato Seri Tuan Ibrahim (Ben Holding Sdn Bhd)

Boleh buat subsidiari subsidiari syarikat sangkar ikan sungai di Kelantan dan Terengganu.  Perlu buat bilik sejuk beku kecil tepi sangkar ikan.  Keluar dari sangkar .. ikan terus dibekukan.  Sebelum lori sejuk datang ambil untuk dikumpulkan di Cold Warehouse Nippon Express.  AFFD Group akan beri modal 50:50 arrangement.  Pengusaha akan dapat bonus jadi saham sehingga saham jadi 50%.  Insya Allah.  

Agrobazaar nak beli borong stok ikan frozen ni dan dipasarkan di rantaian kedai Agrobazaar.  Insya Allah.  

Bagi nelayan laut boleh timbang bakul ikan ikut harga borong per kg dan terus disejukkan dalam cold room tepi jeti.  Harga borong ditentukan oleh LKIM.  Insya Allah.  

Harga borong dengan nelayan ialah harga runcit dibahagi 3 .. insya Allah.  Nelayan perlu ada bank saving a/c masing masing .. nanti urusniaga transfer ke akaun bank.  Tiada urusniaga wang tunai.  

Pemborong Cina nak mogok .. maka nelayan tak perlu ke laut .. AFFD beri sedekah RM1ribu seorang nelayan tiap bulan sehingga cold room siap dibina.  Insya Allah.   

Produk Cina muslim boleh letak tak lebih 20% storage space.  Dengan syarat produk Melayu masuk kedai Cina dalam 20% storage space juga.  

Kita hanya buat Cold Warehouse Nippon Express di negeri negeri berikut sahaja ..

Perlis .. ikan beku / ayam kampung beku  

Kedah .. ikan beku / ayam kampung beku

Perak .. kamping perap beku / ikan beku / ayam kampung beku

Selangor .. ikan beku / ayam kampung beku

Negeri Sembilan .. itik salai beku / itik salai perap beku / ayam kampung beku

Johor .. kambing perap beku / ayam kampung beku

Kelantan .. keropok lekor beku / ikan beku / ayam kampung beku / bamboo stick prawn

Terengganu .. keropok lekor beku / ikan beku / ayam kampung beku / bamboo stick prawn

Pahang .. kerbau perap beku / ikan beku / ayam kampung beku

Sabah .. udang galah (bamboo stick prawn) beku / udang harimau beku / ikan beku / ayam kampung beku

Sarawak .. udang galah (bamboo stick prawn) beku / udang harimau beku / ikan beku / ayam kampung beku

Stok udang galah (bamboo stick prawn) beku terhad.  Kita dulukan hantar ke Hilton Hotel.  Di luar negara jika teringin merasa boleh ke Hilton.  Terpaksa buat special order kalau belum ada stok.  Insya Allah.  

Filipina berminat dengan projek seperti di atas ini.  Filipina boleh mula rundingan dengan Nippon Express untuk bina cold warehouse di lokasi lokasi strategik.  50:50 arrangement.  Insya Allah.  

Indonesia juga berminat.  Dalam peringkat rundingan dengan Nippon Express.  Di Indonesia juga ada udang galah (bamboo stick prawn).  Insya Allah.  

Masak bamboo stick prawn dengan perencah sudee samada perencah mee bandung atau perencah tom yam memang menyelerakan.  Boleh tengok website Insya Allah.  

Insya Allah





Pangkat Laksamana diberi oleh Rasulullah Nabi Isa AS untuk mengetuai Tentera Islam Sedunia dan jawatan Khalifah juga diberi oleh Rasulullah Nabi Isa AS untuk mentadbir seluruh dunia Islam di bawah Rasulullah.  Beret Hitam disebut dalam Kitab Injil dan nombor 666 dalam Kitab Injil adalah tarikh lahir saya 6/6/68.  Saya cucu Laksamana Hang Tuah .. dan nenek saya sebelah bapa adalah cucu Hang Nadim.  Hang Nadim berketurunan dari Hang Tuah.  Wali Besar ada sepasang lelaki dan perempuan.  Yang lelaki Beret Hitam dan yang perempuan Mariam Ibu Isa AS.  Wali Besar ditemani Malaikat Jibril.  Beret Hitam ni Penghulu Para Wali.

Dengan Operasi Backfire .. Laksamana Beret Hitam telah guna muslihat perang dengan menyusun Tentera Injil maka Tentera Pentagon telah berpaling tadah pada Israel lalu menyebelahi Tentera Islam.. maka Laksamana Beret Hitam telah berjaya mengalahkan tentera dajjal.  Dengan Operasi Beheaded .. Rasulullah Nabi Isa AS telah dapat memancung kepala dajjal menggunakan Pedang Rasulullah Nabi Muhammad SAW.  Dajjal sudah mampus.

Rasulullah Nabi Isa AS memerintahkan supaya jawatan Khalifah Islam diserah kepada Perdana Menteri Turki dan jawatan Panglima Tentera Islam Sedunia diserah kepada Jeneral Taliban Afghanistan.    

Tugas Laksamana Beret Hitam dah selesai.  Dah jadi kerja komando susun Tentera Islam Sedunia dan sistem Khalifah dikembalikan.  Alhamdulillah.   

Laksamana Beret Hitam propose General Malaya to be the Commander of Army .. insya Allah ..  


World Leader .. Rasulullah Nabi Isa AS

Caliph .. Laksamana Beret Hitam (appointed by Rasulullah Nabi Muhammad SAW) .. Laksamana Beret Hitam doing planning for mega projects worldwide .. creating business and jobs for workers .. each country earning tax revenue .. insya Allah  ..  

Vice Caliph .. Dato Seri Zahid Hamidi ..perbetulkan hal riba dalam sistem perbankan dan berunding dengan luar negara supaya bayaran zakat boleh offset dengan cukai.  

Vice Caliph 2 .. Prime Minister Erdogan Turkey

Vice Caliph 3 .. Prime Minister Mesir

Vice Caliph 4 .. Prime Minister Qatar

Vice Caliph 5 .. USA Presiden Biden .. Leader of Europe .. need to put effort for entire Europe to embrace Islam.  

Vice Caliph 6 .. YB Dato Seri Tuan Ibrahim bin Tuan Man .. dilantik sebagai KETUA ULAMA SEDUNIA dalam hal masjid surau dan urusan penempatan Imam Imam masjid surau.  Urusan biasiswa para pelajar bidang agama dan juga bidang lain di peringkat sekolah hingga ke universiti.  Pembiayaan biasiswa dari wang zakat dinamakan ISLAMIC SCHOLARSHIP FUND.  Urusan meliputi seluruh dunia.  Memerlukan Administrative Executive tiap negara untuk membantu kerja DS Tuan Ibrahim.  Berilah gaji dari JPM.  Insya Allah.  Pihak White House USA, Kremlin Soviet, Paris France dan London Britain berhajat untuk berkongsi sumbang zakat 20:20:20:20:20 dengan Malaya kepada asnaf.  Insya Allah.  Semoga rahmat diturunkan Allah ke atas USA, Soviet, France, Britain dan Malaya.  Semua negara mesti buat current a/c zakat.  Nanti kita top up setiap akhir bulan.  

Vice Caliph 7 .. YB Dato Seri Rafizi Ramli .. menguruskan projek mega seluruh dunia.  

Administrative Executive (Malaya) .. JAKIM .. membantu YB Dato Seri Tuan Ibrahim ..  

(Caliph and all Vice Caliph can appoint their Administrative Executive respectively)

General Muslim Soldiers Worldwide .. Laksamana Beret Hitam (appointed by Rasulullah Nabi Isa AS)

2nd General .. General Pentagon

3rd General .. General Soviet

4th General .. General Mesir

5th General .. General Hamas of Palestine  

Commander of Army .. General Malaya  

Commander of Air Force .. General USA Air Force  

Commander of Navy .. Admiral Soviet Navy  

Commander Black Beret Special Forces .. Laksamana Beret Hitam  (appointed by Rasulullah Nabi Isa AS)

We will create a MUSLIM MILITARY FUND in Palestine Maybank.  Rasulullah Nabi Isa AS will handle this fund.  Various countries can contribute  by transferring funds into this current a/c annually which is considered as PROTECTION MONEY.

Malaya will create a current a/c in Kuala Lumpur Maybank .. MINDEF Malaya will handle this current a/c.  AFFD will contribute a fixed deposit of RM500billion in Maybank Kuala Lumpur using AFFD Holding name and the FD dividend will enter this current a/c every month.  Then this money will be transferred to MUSLIM MILITARY FUND in Palestine for Rasulullah to handle.   

Insya Allah ..  


Akan diisytihar nama negara MALAYA

Insya Allah Duli Yang Mulia Yang DiPertuan Agong akan isytihar padam dua huruf 'si' pada nama negara jadi 'MALAYA'. 

Dalam bahasa cina 'si' maknanya mati.  Itu sebab ingin dipadamkan. 

Ada 3 langkah diikhtiarkan..  


Panglima Panglima yang terlibat berikut akan dianugerahkan beret hitam HULUBALANG DIRAJA ..   

1.  Panglima Angkatan Tentera (Datuk Panglima)

2.  Panglima Tentera Darat (Datuk Panglima)

3.  Panglima Tentera Udara (Datuk Panglima)

4.  Laksamana Tentera Laut (Datuk Laksamana)

5.  Ketua Polis Negara (Datuk Temenggong)

Panglima Panglima Komando yang terlibat dapat beret hitam HULUBALANG DIRAJA adalah seperti berikut ..

1.  Panglima Gerakhas

2.  Panglima Paskau

3.  Panglima Paskal

4.  Panglima UTK

5.  Panglima Komando 69

6.  Panglima Ungerin

LANGKAH 2 :  Operasi Khas .. Ekonomi orang Melayu dengan perlaksanaan PROJEK MEGA seluruh negara ..

Yang berikut dapat pangkat Kolonel dalam Hulubalang DiRaja .. 

7.  Pengerusi MARA (Baru naik pangkat jadi Leftenan Jeneral)

8.  Pengerusi FAMA 

9.  Pengerusi FELDA 

LANGKAH 3 .. Operasi Khas Gerakan Politik.  ikhtiar YAB Perdana Menteri mendapatkan sokongan majoriti ahli Parlimen.  Ketua ketua parti politik yang terlibat kempen padam dua huruf 'si' pada nama negara akan dianugerahkan beret hitam Hulubalang DiRaja dan jadi pembesar pembesar Istana Negara di bawah perintah Duli Yang Mulia Yang DiPertuan Agong.  Insya Allah.  

Bila sudah berjaya YAB Perdana Menteri akan dianugerahkan replika Keris Tun Perak dan dapat gelaran Datuk Bendahara Tun Anwar Ibrahim.  

YAB Timbalan Perdana Menteri dicadangkan akan digelar Datuk Bendahara Zahid Hamidi.  Insya Allah.  

YB Menteri dan YB Timbalan Menteri yang menyatakan sokongan padam dua huruf 'si' pada nama negara juga akan dianugerahkan beret hitam Hulubalang Diraja .. akan dapat sepersalinan baju mengadap bersampin tengkolok serta sebilah keris setiap seorang.  Diterima sebagai Pembesar Istana Negara.  Insya Allah  .. 

Duli Yang Mulia Yang DiPertuan Agong berkenan untuk menganugerahkan beret hitam Hulubalang DiRaja kepada semua Ahli Parlimen yang menyatakan sokongan padam dua huruf 'si' pada nama negara.  Akan dapat sepersalinan baju mengadap bersampin tengkolok berkeris setiap seorang.  Diterima sebagai Pembesar Istana Negara.  Insya Allah.  

Kerana YB Tun Mahathir yang approve projek mega (langkah 2) semasa bertugas sebagai Perdana Menteri maka Duli Yang Mulia Yang DiPertuan Agong berkenan menganugerahkan beret hitam Hulubalang DiRaja kepada beliau.  Jasa Tun Mahathir kepada negara dikenang selalu.  Dicadangkan untuk terima Anugerah Replika Keris Tun Perak.  Dapat gelaran Datuk Bendahara Tun Mahathir Mohamad .. Insya Allah.  

Komando kita yang bertugas di Xinjiang, China ..  Sifu 27 dua kumpulan sesuai diberikan beret hitam HULUBALANG DIRAJA kerana melindungi negara Malaya dari dalam China.  Mereka ini jaguh Guru Kungfu Sun Tzu 100 gaya .. Ilmu Perang Class 3 Ilmu Tentera Nabi Sun Tzu AS.  Insya Allah.  


Kita akan hantar 27 x 6 anggota komando masuk Pasukan Pengawal Rasulullah Nabi Isa AS di Palestin .. mengajar Ilmu Perang Class 2 (Ilmu Tentera Nabi Sulaiman) dan Class 1 (Ilmu Tentera Nabi Muhammad) untuk tentera Hamas.  Giliran bila cukup setahun .. ada dua kumpulan.  

Kita akan buat MILITARY ACADEMY NABI ISA AS di Palestin kursus Sarjana Muda Ilmu Perang triple twinning UPNM .. WESTPOINT dan SANDHURST.  Banyak praktikal dan ada sedikit teori Sun Tzu Art of War dalam Class 3 Ilmu Nabi Sun Tzu.  Jika tak lulus teori ni dan lulus semua praktikal saja masih dapat Diploma Ilmu Perang.  Ini peluang untuk para komando.  MINDEF Malaya akan sponsor kos akademi ini.  

Insya Allah



Bala for not performing solat

According to Malaikat Maut the earth quake in Turkiye is bala for not performing solat 5 times daily.  

The unusual flood in Malaya is also bala for not performing solat 5 times daily.  

All muslims please perform your solat daily.  

Insya Allah



Masalah riba

Kepada Menteri Kewangan / JAKIM / Bank Negara 

Kad kredit Islamik sepatutnya buat profit charge sekali saja masa klien beli barang.  Konsep jual beli.  Islam haramkan riba dan halalkan jual beli.  

Haram buat profit charge bulanan atas balance kad kredit.  Ini riba.  

Personal loan Islamik pulak sepatutnya bank bayar ke vendor lepas tu markup sekali dan charge pelanggan bank monthly instalments.  

Haram personal loan bagi cash ke pelanggan bank.  Markup atas cash dan charge monthly instalment dengan cash jadi riba. 

Apply konsep jual beli .. beli ada barangnya .. lepas tu mark up profit charge .. dan akhir sekali jual letak kat customer suruh bayar monthly instalments.  

Insya Allah


Hukum menyanyi

Kepada YAB Perdana Menteri / JAKIM 

Menyanyi hukumnya harus.  

Buka aurat depan lelaki yang haram.  Tak pakai tudung depan wanita hukumnya harus.  

Wanita menari depan lelaki haram.  Wanita menari depan wanita harus.  

Wanita berbaju seksi beraerobik depan wanita hurumnya harus.  Depan lelaki haram. 

Insya Allah



Ulama worldwide is encouraged to record their kuliah (lectures) at mosques and then broadcast in the television.  This is efforts of AMAL MAARUF NAHI MUNKAR.  

Insya Allah





Kepada YAB Perdana Menteri Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim 

Dah sampai masa YAB Perdana Menteri buat Langkah 3 Gerakan Politik untuk dapatkan sokongan majoriti Ahli Parlimen untuk padam dua huruf 'si' (maknanya mati) pada nama negara.  


Ke bawah Duli Yang Mulia Yang DiPertuan Agong

Ampun Tuanku beribu ampun hormat patik harap diampun

Bila YAB Perdana Menteri dah bersedia dengan sokongan majoriti Ahli Parlimen .. maka Tuanku dah ada KUASA BUDIBICARA untuk isytihar padam dua huruf 'si'.  Insya Allah


Macam dulu dulu

Zaman gemilang kembali lagi

Gendang perang dipalu

Tak Melayu mati


Pada hari kuatkuasa padam dua huruf 'si' pada nama negara .. hari cuti umum .. komando akan buat

PERTUNJUKAN LEMBING PENGAWAL ISTANA di hadapan Tuanku Sultan Sultan di Dataran Merdeka Kuala Lumpur dan disiarkan di TV3. 

Insya Allah.  


Ampun Tuanku

Terima kasih




Kepada Gerakhas / Paskal / Paskau / UTK / Komando 69 / Ungerin

Pada hari berkuatkuasa padam 2 huruf 'si' boleh ke komando buat pertunjukan depan Tuanku Sultan Sultan .. 

Pertunjukan Lembing Pengawal Istana .. caranya minta dengan para wali Hulubalang Melaka

Lembing lama Istana Kuala Kangsar ada 12 bilah ..  

Cari gendang yang sesuai untuk dijadikan gendang perang.  Boleh berkawad ikut rentak paluan gendang.  

Insya Allah



Empayar Islam dibina

Empayar Islam dibina

Seluruh dunia dari Timur hingga Barat

Dipimpin Rasulullah Nabi Isa AS bersama Khalifah Turki

Dilindungi Tentera Islam Sedunia

Tentera Islam diketuai Laksamana Beret Hitam


Empayar Islam dibina

Dajjal sudah berjaya dipancung Rasulullah

Dunia aman damai dan makmur

Islam tersebar seluruh dunia

Laungan azan berkumandang seluruh dunia


Empayar Islam dibina

Projek mega diusahakan

Peluang kerja dan peluang berniaga

Insya Allah nanti tiada yang miskin

Orang miskin bina bangunan tinggi tinggi


Empayar Islam dibina

Rasulullah Nabi Isa AS membimbing

Bimbing jalan ke syurga

Dunia aman makmur

Selamat dan sejahtera


Insya Allah


Arakan Army protecting Rohingyas

Arakan Army is protecting Rohingyas in Arakan.  Please do not disturb Rohingyas in Arakan.  Muslim Soldiers is protecting Arakan now.  Al Qaeda is providing support to Arakan Army.  

Rohingyas now safe to return back to Arakan.  Will be escorted by al Qaeda.  

Askar Melayu 500 men will be in Arakan as peacekeeping force ..  

Angkatan Darat TNI 500 men from Indon is on the way to Arakan as peacekeeping force also.  

Taliban 500 men move to Arakan as peacekeeping force.  

USA Green Beret 500 men move to Arakan as peacekeeping force.  

USA to send 5 lorries by hovercraft to Arakan.  

10 Briged Para 500 men move to Arakan as peacekeeping force.  Air drop.  

Gerakhas 4 men / Paskal 4 men / Paskau 4 men / UTK 4 men / 69 Commando 4 men / Ungerin 4 men .. one second flight to Arakan by BlackHawks .. helicopters to standby in Arakan ..  

Myanmar soldiers do not enter Arakan.  Or risk being shot.  

Rasulullah Nabi Muhammad SAW commands that Arakan is now separated from Myanmar.  

Rohingyas will choose an Arakan leader temporarily before an election.  

Temporarily Arakan Army General will be the Arakan Leader until we conduct an election.  

World Scout need to prepare food for Rohingyas returning back to Arakan until they can manage on their own in Arakan.  

Red Crescent need to prepare for medical services in Arakan until they have their own hospitals and clinics ..  

MINDEF Malaya need to create a current a/c to accept donations and contributions for aid in Arakan.  

Angkatan Pertahanan Awam Malaya (APM) can setup offices in Arakan and standby for any public emergencies.  

Arakan Leader (General) request for Arakan to be a state in Malaya.  Malaya agree.  

Arakan Army is our new regiment in Angkatan Tentera Malaya (ATM).  Alhamdulillah.  

Our policy BUMIPUTRA RULES .. we will help Arakan Bumiputra to manage Arakan on their own.  Insya Allah.  

Insya Allah all Muslim Soldiers in Arakan will be protected by 6000 Malaikat.  Already got permission from Rasulullah Nabi Muhammad SAW to use the service of 6000 Malaikat.  

All Rohingyas anywhere in the world must solat 5 times daily .. do not miss your solat.  Insya Allah all Rohingyas can return back to Arakan.  Last time so many do not solat 5 times daily and this is why get bala being slaughtered by Myanmar soldiers.  

During Rasulullah times in war against musyrikin .. Rasulullah soldiers being helped by 6000 Malaikat .. now we try to use the same technique get help from 6000 Malaikat.  In order to get this assistance from Malaikat .. all Rohingyas must solat 5 times daily and frequent solat hajat in jamaah.  Insya Allah.  

Myanmar commandos can learn this Class 5 Ilmu Perang .. 6000 Malaikat assistance if willing to be muslims.  Entire soldiers need to be muslims for it to be effective for entire Myanmar soldiers.  Insya Allah.  Myanmar being a Malaya Colony no need to pay in order to learn .. only need to incur expenses like travelling and food.  

Muslim soldiers do not enter Myanmar .. whatever negotiations can use zoom.  

We know 5 groups of Myanmar commandos have entered Arakan through jungle near the border .. please retreat or risk being shot at.  

Hitman heading towards Malaya border has been hit by javelin.  

We proceed with training for Arakan Army / Arakan Navy / Arakan Air Force / Arakan Police in Malaya before being deployed to Arakan when ready .  Insya Allah.  

Preparing ahead for Arakan general election in 2025.  Setting up ARAKAN ISLAMIC PARTY.  At the moment General Arakan will be the temporary CHIEF MINISTER.  Insya Allah.  


Insya Allah



Bantuan kupon miskin bandar dan kampung (projek asnaf)

Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM) ada sediakan kupon barang dapur untuk disedekahkan kepada golongan miskin bandar dan kampung.  Mereka yang gaji bersih kurang dari RM3000 layak menerima kupon berjumlah RM300 tiap bulan.  

Mereka yang layak mesti bawa bank statement saving a/c sebagai bukti amaun gaji bersih.  Pendaftaran perlu dibuat dahulu dan terus diberikan kupon barang dapur tiap bulan.  

Pendaftaran perlu di renew tiap tahun sebab masing masing ada increment gaji.  

Boleh juga buat pendaftaran dan serahan kupon di pejabat UMNO kawasan masing masing.  UMNO ingin membantu golongan miskin bandar dan kampung.  Serahan kupon dibuat setiap bulan.  

Ada juga mobile app wallet e-coupon. Boleh guna wallet e-coupon untuk beli barang dapur.  Bagi asnaf yang layak dan sudah didaftarkan akan menerima e-coupon RM300 tiap bulan.  

Veteran Group milik UMNO ada menyumbang sebahagian dana sedekah untuk projek ASNAF ini.  Ada juga dari sumbangan syarikat swasta dan dari Kementerian Kewangan.  Dari projek mega Jabatan Perdana Menteri (JPM) .. LHDN dapat hasil cukai lebih maka kerajaan nak sedekah sedikit untuk golongan miskin.  SUDAH MENJADI TANGGUNGJAWAB PEMIMPIN UNTUK BANTU GOLONGAN MISKIN.  Ini projek UMNO dan PKR.  


Insya Allah  


Harapan bangsaku

Bangsaku Melayu mengharap

Kesultanan Melayu dikekalkan

Raja payung negara

Membela nasib rakyat

Daulat Tuanku


Bangsaku Melayu mengharap

Nasib dibela

Jangan kata Melayu mati

Sakit mata tengok 'si'

Mohon segera padam 'si"


Bangsaku Melayu mengharap

Kekuatan tentera Melayu dibina .. ini langkah 1

Guna ilmu perang dalam Angkatan Tentera

Angkatan Tentera Malaya siap sedia

Menghadapi sebarang kemungkinan .. insya Allah


Bangsaku Melayu mengharap

Ekonomi Melayu dibela .. ini langkah 2

Buat bisnes di desa dan pekan

Hendak jadi tawkey pula

Tidak mahu hanya kuli saja


Bangsaku Melayu mengharap

Lahirnya usahawan usahawan graduan

Melayu nak pegang ekonomi negara

Tak Melayu hilang di dunia

Dari dulu lagi Hang Tuah dah pesan


Bangsaku Melayu mengharap

Perdana Menteri berperanan gerakan politik .. ini langkah 3

Mohon sokongan ahli Parlimen Melayu

Untuk padam 'si' pada nama negara

Anugerah Keris Tun Perak menunggu


Bangsaku Melayu mengharap

Pemimpin Melayu bersatu dalam UMNO

UMNO tunjang politik Melayu

Parti yang dominan dalam BN

Hidup pemimpin Melayu


Indahnya Malaya

Indahnya Malaya

Negara tumpah darah ku

Negara ku tercinta

Jangan kata Melayu mati

Tak Melayu mati


Indahnya Malaya

Mohon Tuanku pertimbang

Kuasa Budibicara Raja Raja

Kita padam dua huruf 'si'

Sekarang nama negara ku Malaya


Indahnya Malaya

Gendang perang berbunyi

Para pendekar berbaris

Menunggu titah perintah Tuanku

Hidup Raja hidup Melayu


Indahnya Malaya

Zaman gemilang kembali lagi

Melayu kan gagah di Nusantara

Ketuanan Melayu dikekalkan 

Bujur lalu melintang patah


Indahnya Malaya

Berbagai bangsa

Berbagai keturunan

Berbagai budaya

Melayu Bumiputra yang memerintah


Gegak Gempita

Gegak gempita meriam berbunyi

Semua soldadu siap sedia

Menunggu pengisytiharan Agong

Padamnya dua huruf 'si"

Di hujung tahun 2022


Gegak gempita meriam berbunyi

Indahnya MALAYA

Tanah tumpah darah

Tanah air kita

Zaman gemilang kembali lagi


Gegak gempita meriam berbunyi

Tak Melayu hilang di dunia

Dah lama Hang Tuah pesan

Kata keramat Hulubalang

Tinggalkan pesan untuk anak cucu


Gegak gempita meriam berbunyi

Melayu berjuang dalam tentera dan ekonomi

Bina kekuatan seluruh negara

Tak Melayu mati

Ketuanan Melayu dipertahankan


Gegak gempita meriam berbunyi

Melayu jangan leka jangan cuai

Berbagai cabaran menanti

Hidup Melayu hidup UMNO

Melayu memerintah di tanahair sendiri .. insya Allah


Gegak gempita meriam berbunyi

Nama rasmi negara sekarang MALAYA

Terjemahan ke bahasa Melayunya TANAH MELAYU

Kuasa budibicara Raja Raja

Dengan sokongan Ahli Parlimen



No need for a big office.  Just enough with an office lot at a row of shops in a housing area.  Staffs work at client's office or work from home.  Some jobs are suitable to do at client's office and some jobs can do at home.  We use cloud accounting system.  Staffs work from home can be controlled with jobs assignment for a month need to be done.  Manager review their work at a distance.  If working at client's office can request client to provide a computer.    

Standby in office are only manager and company secretary.  Need to have 6 desks in the office for the staffs to share coming in and out.  Meeting table need to be quite big.  And need some space to store documents.  Documents which have not been done can be kept in the store.  Documents which have been done immediately must return back to client's office.  These is enough to operate one accounting business.    

By doing like these we are operating at low fixed costs.  Small office concept.  Can have 50 staffs managed by one office.  Only need to maintain a manageable number of large staffs.  Can handle a large area by doing like these.  Use staff's laptop and office will pay allowance of computer and internet totalling RM130 monthly and manager can manage the cloud accounting system.    

Small client can use Niagawan and big client can use Oracle.  If need to replace expired staff's laptop so can buy an AFFD Pad using credit card and office will pay monthly allowance of computer RM50 and unifi mobile internet RM80 which totals to RM130 every month.  AFFD Pad can use a unifi sim card which has unlimited data, which only costs RM79 every month. Enough to work from 9am until 9pm.  Then take a rest and do brisk walking on a treadmill at home to refresh the stamina to work the next day.    

Insya Allah ..



Serta dari Orang Tua ku / Rasulullah Nabi Muhammad SAW serta Para Rasul dan Para Nabi sekalian / Jibril dan para Malaikat / Aminah Ibu Muhammad / Mariam Ibu Isa / Puteri Gunung Ledang dan para Wali sekalian.